(1)<----- Ancestors. Jesus Christ - His Birth in The Land
(2) The Wise Men. Command to Joseph - Flight from The Land
(3) John The Baptist - Baptism of Messiah
(4) The Temptation by Satan. Disciples Called
(5) "The Sermon on The Mount". Laws of The Kingdom
(6) Alms, Prayer, Fasting, Riches
(7) Laws Excel the Tradition of Elders. Fulfill the Law & Prophets
(8) Miracles - The Palsy. Disciples - Waverers. The Storm
(9) The Palsy. Two Question. Two Women. Two Blind Men
(10) Mission of the Twelve. Their Rejection. Encouragement
(11) Teaching - Ministry of John - Elijah. Rest in YHVH
(12) Opposition of Pharisees. Miracles. Pharisees - Condemnation
(13) Parable - The Sower. Question & Answer
(14) Mission of John The Baptist Ended. Walking on the Sea
(15) Teaching. Opposition of Pharisees. Woman of Canaan
(16) Bread & Leaven. Messiah Declared. Suffering Foretold
(17) Glory Foreshown - Configuration. Miracle - The Lunatic
(18) Discipleship - Little Child. Offense - Fellow Servants
(19) Pharisees - Question. A Certain Man - Question
(20) Prophecy - Vineyard. Gentiles - Brethren Free
(21) Bethphage. Jerusalem - Temple Cleansing. Parable
(22) Parables: Marriage of King's Son. Pharisees & Sadducees
(23) Multitudes & Disciples. Scribes & Pharisees. Prophecy
(24) Antichrist - Tribulation. Parables & Types. Warning
(25) The 10 Virgins - The Master & Servants. Nations Gathered
(26) Passover. Anointing. Last Supper. Betrayal. Examination
(27) Judas' Remorse. Jesus Before Pilot. Crucifixion. Burial
(28) Resurrection. Events in The City