N E 1-4. Mission. F 5,6. Injunctions. G H 7-13. Their reception. J 14,15. Their rejection. E 16-. Mission. F -16,17-. Injunctions. G J -17-39. Their rejection. H 40-42. Their reception.
27 A.D.
Matthew 10)
1 And when He had called to Him His twelve disciples (= learners), He gave them authority over unclean spirits, so as to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and every disease.
There are four lists of the names of the Twelve Apostles: three in the Gospels and one in the Acts. In each list the order of the names varies, but with this remarkable agreement that they are always given in three groups, the first of each group being the same (Peter, Philip, and James the son of Alphaeus), while the other three, thought they vary in order within the group, are never given in a different group.
They may be presented thus :--
Matt. 10:2-4. Mark 3:16-19. Luke 6:14-16. Acts 1:13, 26.1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... PETER
2. and Andrew; and James and Andrew, and James, 3. James, and John; James and John, 4. and John; and Andrew and John, and Andrew,
5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... PHILIP 6. and Bartholomew (*1); and Bartholomew (*1), and Bartholomew (*1), and Thomas, 7. Thomas, and Matthew, Matthew Bartholomew (*1), 8. and Matthew; and Thomas, and Thomas, and Matthew, 9. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... JAMES(son of Alphaeus) 10. and Lebbaeus (*2); and Thaddaeus (*2), and Simon (*3)(Zelotes), and Simon (*3)(Zelotes), 11. Simon (*3)(Can.), and Simon (*3)(Can.), and Judas (*2)(of James), and Judas (*2) (of James). 12. and Judas Iscariot. and Judas Iscariot. and Judas Iscariot. [Matthias (v. 26)].
Further detailed particulars may be given as follows :--
1. Simon (Matt. 10:2. Mark 3:16. Luke 6:14. John 1:42). Peter (Acts 1:13), so surnamed (Matt. 10:2) by Christ (Mark 3:16. Luke 6:14), who also called him Cephas (John 1:42). He was the son of Jona (*4) (John 1:42) and a native of Bethsaida (*4) (John 1:44).
2. Andrew (Matt. 10:2. Mark 3:18. Luke 6:14. Acts 1:13) of Bethsaida (*4) (John 1:44), and Peter's brother (Matt. 10:2. Luke 6:14).
3. James (Matt. 10:2. Mark 3:17. Luke 6:14. Acts 1:13), the son of Zebedee (*4) (Matt. 10:2. Mark 3:17), surnamed by Christ, with John, Boanerges (*4) (Mark 3:17).
4. John (Matt. 10:2. Mark 3:17. Luke 6:14. Acts 1:13), the brother of James (Matt. 10:2. Mark 3:17) surnamed by Christ, with James, Boanerges (*4) (Mark 3:17).
5. Philip (Matt. 10:3. Mark 3:18. Luke 6:14. Acts 1:13), of Bethsaida (*4) (John 1:44).
6. Bartholomew (*4) (Matt. 10:3. Mark 3:18. Luke 6:14. Acts 1:13).
7. Thomas (*4) (Matt. 10:3. Mark 3:18. Luke 6:15. Acts 1:13), called Didymus (John 11:16; 21:2).
8. Matthew (*4) (Matt. 10:3. Mark 3:18. Luke 6:15. Acts 1:13) the Publican (Matt. 10:3. Luke 5:27); called also Levi (Mark 2:14. Luke 5:27), the son of Alphaeus (Mark 2:14).
9. James (Matt. 10:3. Mark 3:18. Luke 6:15. Acts 1:13), the son of Alphaeus (*4) (Matt. 10:3. Mark 3:18. Luke 6:15. Acts 1:13).
10. Lebbaeus (Matt. 10:3), whose surname (Matt. 10:3) was Thaddaeus (*4) (Matt. 10:3. Mark 3:18); called also Judas, brother of James (Luke 6:16. Acts 1:13); and "Judas (not Iscariot)" (John 14:22).
11. Simon (Matt. 10:4. Mark 3:18. Luke 6:15 Acts 1:13), the Canaanite (Matt. 10:4. Mark 3:18); called Zelotes (Luke 6:15. Acts 1:13).
12. Judas (Matt. 10:4. Mark 3:19. Luke 6:16) Iscariot (Matt. 10:4. Mark 3:19. Luke 6:16), the traitor (Luke 6:16) who betrayed Him (Matt. 10:4. Mark 3:19. John 6:71; 12:4; 13:2), the son of Simon (John 6:71; 12:4; 13:2, 26).
(*1) A patronymic for NATHANAEL (John 1:44-46), where he is joined with Philip, and in John 21:2 with Thomas.
(*2) JUDAS the brother of James, to distinguish him from Judas Iscariot. He was called Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus, which words have a similar meaning, the latter being Aramaic.
(*3) SIMON, the Canaanite or Cananean. Not meaning a Gentile, but an Aramaic word meaning the same as Zelotes.
(*4) These are Aramaic words.
2 Now the names of the twelve apostles (= those sent forth) are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother;
3 Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax-gatherer; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus;
4 Simon the Canaanite (The Aramaic for the Geek Zelotes [Luke 6:15. Acts 1:13] = Zealot: so called from his zeal for the Law. Josephus says the sect of "Zealots" did not arise till the fall of Jerusalem), and Judas Iscariot (the only apostle not from Galilee. He belonged to Judah.), even delivered Him up.
5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, "Go not abroad (i.e. from the land) into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter you not:
6 But go rather to the lost sheep (cp. Ezek. 34:16; and Matt. 15:24; 18:11) of the house of Israel. (See 1 Kings 12:17.)
7 And as you go, herald, saying, 'The kingdom of the heaven is drawn near.'
8 Heal sick ones, cleanse leprous ones, raise dead people, cast out demons: freely you have received, freely give.
9 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass (fig. put for the money made of them) in your girdles, (Some of which contain pockets for money and valuables.)
10 Nor that which is written (then a small wallet that holds such a writing. Not a purse, because no money: not a "bread bag" because no bread. The Lord means they were not to beg) for your journey, neither two coats, neither sandals (i.e. not a spare pair), nor yet a staff (for walking, not clubs): for the workman is worthy of his food.
11 And into whatsoever city or village you shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till you go from there.
12 And when you come into a man's house, salute it. (i.e. make your peace)
13 And if the man's house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.
14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when you depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
15 Verily I say to you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city. (Which the Lord spoke of as imminent, and coming at the end of that dispensation, had the nation repented.)
16 Behold, I send you forth for all sheep are not in the midst of wolves:
become you therefore wise because all serpents are prudent, and all doves guileless.
17 But beware away from people: (i.e. beware [and keep] away from)
J K -17-23. Enmity. L 24-33. Encouragement. K 34-36. Enmity. L 37-39. Encouragement.
K a1 -17,18. Enmity. Men. b1 19,20. Promise. Defense. a2 21-22-. Enmity. Brethren. b2 -22. Promise. Endurance. a3 23-. Enmity. Men. b3 -23. Promise. Endurance.
for they will deliver you up to councils (Courts of justice. This was true of the 12 ["them that heard Him": Heb. 2:3] in the dispensation of the Acts), and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
18 And you shall be brought before governors and kings also on account of Me, with a view to a testimony to them and the nations.
19 But when they shall have deliver you up, be not anxious how or what you should speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak.
20 For it is not you that speaks, but the Spirit Himself of your Father which speaks in you.
21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and will put them to death.
22 And you will be hated by all people on account of My name's sake:
but he that endures to the end (i.e. of the dispensation, which would have thus ended had the nation repented at the call of Peter [Acts 3:19-26]. As it did not repent, this is of course future) shall be saved. (Escape or be delivered)
23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee you into the other (i.e. the next): for verily I say to you, You shall by no means have finished going over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man may have come. (This is rendered hypothetical, because His coming depended on the repentance of Israel [Acts 3:19-26]. It would have been [and will now yet be] the judicial coming of "the Son of Man". Cp. Acts 17:31.)
L c1 24,25. Encouragement. d1 26. "Fear not". c2 27. Encouragement. d2 28. "Fear not". c3 29,30. Encouragement. d3 31. "Fear not". c4 32,33. Encouragement.
24 A pupil is not above his teacher, nor the bond-servant above his master.
25 It is sufficient for the disciple that he become as his teacher, and the servant as his lord. If they have surnamed the master of the house Beelzebub (= the lord of the flies [2 Kings 1:2], was the god of the Ekronites. It was changed in contempt by the Israelites to Baalzebub = lord of the dunghill, and from that used of the prince of demons), how much more shall they call them of his household?
26 You should not fear therefore: for there is nothing concealed, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. (God touches minds and His servants gain a working knowledge of God's plan. The name Revelation means to reveal. Nothing is hid from those who study God's Word. There is nothing to fear.)
27 What I tell you in the darkness, that speak you in the light: and what you hear into the ear, that preach you upon the housetops. (The usual place of proclamations. Looks forward to Mark 13:9-11. What the Holy Spirit gives you in this world of darkness speak it loud and clear to bring light forth, that is to say the truth.)
28 And fear not [and flee] from them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: (Man causes the loss of life, but he cannot kill: i.e. "destroy" it. Only God can do that) but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (note the difference. Not "kill" merely. Cp. Luke 12:4,5. The 2nd death. After the millennium, that thousand year period when the Elect will teach God's Word, and the earth has been rejuvenated, God will dwell with men. We will be in the spiritual body Paul taught us about in 1 Corinthians 15:44. See Rev. 21:4)
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? (approx. 1/10 of a penny) and one from among them shall not fall on the ground without your Father [knowing]. (A sparrow doesn't fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge. Do you think He doesn't know your every need?)
30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31 Fear you not therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows. (God will take care of you when you are delivered up. He will even tell you what to say through the Holy Spirit. What do you have to fear?)
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before people, him will I also confess before My Father which is in the heavens.
33 But whosoever shall deny me before people, him will I also deny before My Father which is in the heavens. (This is the unforgivable sin. This is why you can't allow yourself to fear men. For the elect to refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through them is unpardonable. You can't afford to be afraid at that moment. Replace your fear with faith that God knows when one sparrow falls.)
34 Think not that I came to cast (as seed) peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Put for "war" or "fightings")
35 For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. (Those who are deceived by antichrist will betray the elect to the false messiah.)
36 And a person's foes shall be they of his own household. (Quoted from Mic.7:6.)
37 He that is fonder of father or mother above Me is not worthy of Me: and he that is fonder of son or daughter above Me is not worthy of Me. (If one of the elect gives in to a relative that has been deceived rather than witnessing against antichrist, they are not worthy of Christ.)
38 And he that takes not his cross (Gr. stauros. All criminals bore their own cross. [John 19:17]. Cp. 16:25), and follows after Me, is not worthy of Me.
39 He that has found his soul shall lose it: and he that has lost his soul on account of Me shall find it. (Only the 2 witnesses will be killed; however, all the elect should be willing to be crucified on the cross as Christ was, if that's what it takes. Don't allow anyone that threatens your flesh body to cause you to be afraid. This is the point of these verses.)
40 He that receives you (those to whom the Lord spoke cannot be excluded) receives Me, and he that receives me receives Him that sent Me.
41 He that receives a prophet (see Deut. 33:1) in the name of (i.e. because he is) a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.
42 And whosoever shall give drink to one of these little ones (i.e. the 12) a cup full of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say to you, he shall in no way lose his reward.