(1)<----- David & Solomon. Solomon Rightful Successor
(2) Advice of David to Solomon. Government
(3) First Appearance of YHVH to Solomon - Wisdom
(4) Dominion & Riches. Wisdom
(5) Contract with Hiram
(6) The Temple - Exterior & Interior
(7) Other Buildings - The Work
(8) The Dedication: Feast, Blessing & Prayer
(9) Second Appearance of YHVH - Admonition & Levy
(10) Riches & Wisdom. Possessions
(11) Marriages - Punishment of YHVH - Kingdom Split
(12) Rehoboam Accession. Jeroboam Assession
(13) Warning - By Man of God
(14) Warning From Ahijah. Rehoboam (Judah)
(15) Abijah. Events - Military. Israel - Nadab
(16) Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab
(17) Elijah's Retirement
(18) Mission to Ahab. Elijah's Message to Ahab
(19) Elijah's Flight. Mission of Hazael and Others
(20) War with Syria
(21) Personal Evil - Naboth - Evil to be Judged
(22) War with Syria. Jehoshaphat (Judah)