(Chapter 11 is a parenthetical chapter. It is going to reveal to us something that is going to happen just prior to the gathering back to our Lord Jesus Christ, and it will be the revealing of the two witnesses, and what shall happen to them. It is no secret for God is letting His elect know these events in advance.)
Revelation 11:1 And there was given me a reed like a rod:
(= a scepter, as elsewhere in Rev., see 2:27; 12:5; 19:15. This measuring reed is like a scepter, and measures for destruction, not for building. See Lam. 2:8. The reason for this destruction is because at this time the Antichrist will be sitting on the throne of God in the temple, making sacrifice to himself, and the people of the world will believe he is God.)
and the Angel said, "Rise, and measure the Temple of God, and the altar, and record them worshiping therein.
(This is the time of the "abomination by the desolator", spoken of in Daniel 9:27, and at that time, Satan, the "son of perdition" will be revealed in the temple at Jerusalem, as recorded in II Thessalonians 2:2-4.
II Thessalonians 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
This warning by Paul the Apostle is to alert those living in our generation, that generation living here on earth in their flesh bodies just prior to Jesus second coming that another event shall happen first. If you know in your mind and expect it to happen, then the things that are going on around us at this time will not shake our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. It is given so that we will not be taken in by Satan when he moves to take control with the authority that God shall give him for that short period of time.
II Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,
The day that is the subject here is "the day of the Lord", also called "the day of Christ". That is the day that Jesus Christ returns to earth and all flesh is changed into their incorruptible bodies, and the Millennium kingdom of Christ begins. Paul is telling us this, because Jesus had revealed this fact to him, and our Heavenly Father expects all of his elect to be aware of this knowledge. The "man of sin" is "the son of perdition" and he is also know as "Lucifer", the "great dragon" and by many other names for the roles that he plays. Of course we are talking about Satan. Satan will be the person that must be revealed in this role before Jesus Christ returns at the sounding of the seventh trumpet, and on that day, Satan's role of the Antichrist is over.
So Paul is warning us; "Let no man deceive you by any means", not by some revelation of a evil spirit that appears to be from God, not by some church minister or tradition that seems so right or any other means that the men and women of this world age might use to draw you to Satan upon his coming to this earth. Sure Satan is coming to earth, and he is bringing all his spiritual forces with him. We will read of this in the next chapter.
II Thessalonians 2:4 Who [Satan] opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Satan will come to earth and play the role that is expect of Jesus Christ. He will exalt himself from Jerusalem, and build his temple like the people expect Jesus to build His. He will say the words and do miracles and wonders just as people expect Jesus to do them. Satan will also demand worship by all the people just as our Lord Jesus Christ will do. Satan in his role as the Antichrist will be a copy of what people expect Jesus Christ to be, only he will be the false Christ, the instead of Christ, a cheap imitation that will last for only five months, and was given in Revelation 9:5, 10. This spiritual destruction will allow it to happen, and even give Satan his authority for this five month period of time. Jesus also spoke of this destruction in Matthew 24:15, when He was telling His disciples what Christians could expect before His coming back to earth.
So it is during this shortened five month period of time that these two witness will be present on earth and doing the things that are spoken of in this eleventh chapter of Revelations. Remember that "months" are in reference to Satan and his times and the children of the night, while "days and years" are in reference to God and the children of light.)
2: But the court which is outside the Temple cast out, and measure it not;
(I.e. do not destroy it.)
for it is given to the gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
(= moons, Prophecy concerning night, Satan. 10 days short of the Solar calendar 3 1/2 years. Don't get anxious about this three an a half year period, because we read in Revelation 9:5, 10, that this time is shortened to five months, during Satan's rule.)
3: And I will give power to My two witnesses,
(They are unnamed by God. Enoch, Moses, and Elijah, the only three men not buried by man. Remember the sons of thunder saw Moses and Elijah on the mount of transfiguration. Could these be the two witnesses? This is speculation on my part but I believe it is a possibility, Moses representing the Law and Elijah representing the Prophets)
and they shall prophecy a thousand two hundred and three score days,
(= Solar 1260 days. They will be here 10 days before and longer than Satan. Days = prophecy concerning God's children, children of light, God's elect)
clothed in sackcloth.
(They will warn all of mankind, and the "sackcloth" indicates that this warning of their sins is to be their only mission.
Notice also that the time of the two witnesses witnessing are given in days. These witnesses are of the children of light, and their message is of God. When you compare the forty two months of Antichrist from Daniel 9, with the 1,260 days of the two witnesses, they are the same.)
4: These are the two olive trees,
(olive in Heb. = el-a-yah. El = God, Yah = the sacred name of God. See Zech. 4:11-14.)
and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
(In Zechariah 4:3, 11, and 14, these two witnesses are the "olive trees" that are spoken of there. The "candlesticks" represent the churches, and we saw in Revelation 2, and 3, that there are only two churches, or types of churches that God will respect at the close of this earth age. Those were the Churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. This is because they knew who the "Kenites" are, and would not allow the false doctrine of the Kenites to come into their churches.
So we see, when Satan the Antichrist is upon the earth, the witnesses for God will be the two witnesses [olive trees]. The churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia and churches that give their type of doctrine, are the "candlesticks". The "elect" will come from those types of churches and also all those saints which understand that doctrine.)
5: And if anyone will hurt them
(I.e. the two witnesses)
fire proceeds out of their mouth, and devours their enemies
(See 2 Kings 1:10. Its from their mouth because they call it down from heaven. See also Jer. 5:14.)
6: These have power to shut heaven, in order that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over the waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they shall desire.
(Remember the power God gave Moses and Elijah? "These", are the two witnesses, not necessarily Moses or Elijah. The "waters" that these two witnesses have power over are the nations, and peoples of this earth [Revelation 17:15]. There is power granted to these two to smite peoples and nations. They can call down these plagues whenever it is necessary. When the written word comes true before your eyes, you will know what to expect next. Believe it when you see it come to pass.
As long as you are in your Heavenly Fathers care, you will not fall under any of these plagues, or torments. The witnesses use their powers only on Satan the Antichrist, and his followers.
Remember what God said back in Revelation 9:4? "Hurt only those who have not the seal of God in their foreheads." Go back and review it.)
7: And when they
(i.e. the two witnesses)
shall have their testimony finished, the beast
(= Satan playing a new role, see 17:8. We read this in Revelation 9:1. When Satan kills the two witnesses, he will have taken all the conflict that he can stand by these two witness, and go against God's order to "touch not those who have the seal of God in their foreheads." )
that ascends out of the pit of the abyss shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
(When the two witnesses are killed, we know one of the very last signs of Christ's return has been fulfilled)
8: And their dead bodies lie in the street
(Gr. plateia, a broad place or way, an arena, a public meeting place, rather that "street")
of the great city (i.e. Jerusalem), which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,
(= vise & tyranny. Cp. Isa.1:9,10. Esek. 16.46, 53; 23:3,8,19,27. Ps. 9:9.; 10:1, and 79.)
where also their Lord was crucified.
(The Holy Spirit thus points to the city in the plainest way. n the mind of the Antichrist [Satan], he has put down the only thing that hindered his claim to deity. Satan's throne is in the temple of God in Jerusalem, and from there, he thinks and will rule his world empire. While the witnesses were alive, their powers made not only the Antichrist's life, but the lives of the whole world just plain miserable. Even many Christians will think that these witnesses were evil, because of what these witnesses said about the Antichrist, whom their traditions have taught them to think and worship as the true Christ. These two witnesses were also the ones who made these Christian's lives physically and mentally pushed to the limit. All, that is, except God's "elect". This three and one half days [84 hours] period is going to be a short lived victory celebration for them.
The key to understand that the location of this happening is in Jerusalem, is in the term, "Where also our Lord was crucified." Jerusalem was referred to as "Sodom and Egypt" in Isaiah 1:9-10, and Ezekiel 16:46, as well as many other passages. The Holy Spirit of God, thus points to Jerusalem as the only place possible, to make that location completely clear.
When these two people are slaughtered in Jerusalem by the one that the world thinks to be God, and the people of the whole earth start their many day celebration because of that murder, know that the time of the murder started the last 84 hours, [three and a half days] before the sounding of the seventh trumpet, and our Lord's return.)
9: And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
(They don't want them to resurrect like Christ did. Through electronic means, and many visiting in person, the entire world will view, and witness the dead bodies of the two witnesses laying in this arena over the next three and a half days. Why?
It is obvious that these two are witnessing they are from Jesus the true Christ. Part of their testimony will be from the witness that if they be killed, their bodies will arise in three and a half days to meet the true Christ. Satan and his followers will be thinking at this time, "We're not going to let someone come and steal these bodies in the night." This was the same accusation that was made by the "Kenites [Offspring of Satan]" when Christ arose some two thousand years earlier. So there the witnesses lay, while the world watched and celebrated.
These physical bodies will be doing only one thing for three and a half days; "rotting")
10: And they that dwell on the whole earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
(Because they told them the truth, that they were worshiping the fake = antichrist = Satan, his ultimate role. The entire earth's population will be celebration over this one, except God's elect. God's elect, those seal in their mind with the truth know the end is only a matter of days and hours. The elect are in a state of praising God, and anxiously waiting for the end of the three and a half days. This is going to be a three day Christmas Holiday, and at the end of this celebration, the witnesses will come alive. When they come alive, the torment will be as a terror that has never been. The Christians that have worshipped Antichrist will know they have been taken in by the Antichrist, and the grace that they had is simply not extended to them. Even more tragic to that is the fact that they will face the True Christ as a Harlot, and an unfaithful bride. Think of the shame that will fall on them at this time.)
11: And after the three days and a half the spirit of life
(= pneuma, the breath of life)
from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
(fell = Gr. epipipto = a paralyzing fear, because the 7th trump starts to begin. When this happens, and the cameras are focused upon the two witnesses, the people of the entire world are going to come under much fear. The people will not be just afraid, but a life threatening terror. And as the two witnesses stood to their feet, this "paralyzing fear ["epipipto" in the Greek]" will grip the entire world, especially the Christians who have worshipped the Antichrist.
All ministers who have taught, "Jesus loves you in your sinful state, you don't need to know the Old Testament, for its past now. Jesus loves the Sodomites also, He's not a God of hate." And the biggest "hog wash" of all is their comments, "We are going to fly away in the rapture, so we will be out of here when Revelation come to pass". Friend, those ministers will know instantly they have been following the wrong Christ. Unfortunately they were not taught in their seminaries there are two Christ's coming, and the fake Christ comes first.
This will be a Shining moment for all of God's "Elect", who stood against the Antichrist, and observed as the events of the seals and trumpets took place. Each of those events marked the proof that God keeps His word, and his plan is right on time.)
12: And they heard a great voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up to this place." And they ascended up into the heaven in the cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
(This is the "rapture" those that followed Satan as the Antichrist are going to miss. The rising of the two saints. At this same instant Christ will be coming here to earth.)
13: And in that same hour
(= the hour of temptation)
there came to be a great earthquake,
(Christ's feet touch the earth)
and the tenth of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men of names seven thousand
(= the fallen angels. See Jude 6.)
and the remnant were afraid, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
14: The second woe is past;
and behold, the third woe is coming quickly.
15-19-. The Vision in Heaven.
15-. The sounding of the seventh trumpet in heaven.
-15-. Great voices in heaven.
-15. Their utterance.
16. The twenty-four elders.
17,18. Their utterance.
19-. The opening of God's Temple in heaven.
15: And the seventh angel sounded
(This seventh trumpet embraces the seven vials, or last seven plagues, which make up the third woe, and reaches on to 18:24, if not 20:15.);
and there came to be great voices in heaven,
saying, "The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our LORD, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever."
(See Ex. 15:18. Ps. 146.10. Here and only here do we gather back to Christ the True One, in our eternal spiritual bodies.)
16: And the four and twenty elders, which sit before God on their thrones, fell upon their faces, and worshiped God,
17: Saying, "We give You thanks, O LORD God Almighty, Which is, and was, (now, here He has come); because You have taken Your great power, and reign.
(The seventh trumpet brings it all to pass, and it will be a time of praise and worship of Jesus Christ, and the worshipping God our Heavenly Father. God will have been true to His entire word, for Satan will be back into the pit. We will now see what takes place, following the seventh trumpet.
From this point on in Revelation, we will see close up, and focusing on events, not necessarily in sequential order. Thanks is given to God here for His faithfulness in the "world that was", the first age. "Which art", in our present flesh age; "and wast" the Millennium, continuing on into eternity ["yet to come"].)
18: And the nations were angry, and Your wrath came, and the time of the dead that they should be judged,
(judgment both good [rewards] and bad)
to give the reward to Your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that revere Your name, the small and the great; and to destroy them which are destroying the earth."
(= corrupting, they are found in Chapters 18,19,20. They corrupted the earth with their false religion. They called on the spirits, yet they did not know the spirits leading them. They followed false spirits in ignorance, just as the followed the false Christ. They did not test the spirits, and they failed God's test of them.
Things called, "of the spirit", can get wrapped up in emotions, as the spirits work over the congregation. The spirits can corrupt and blind indeed. Are you in with the "True Spirit", the Holy Spirit? Then this reward is yours.)
19: And the Temple of God which is in heaven was opened,
(It's not anywhere here on earth.)
and there was seen in His Temple the ark of His covenant:
(Foolish men can look for it all they want to here on earth and they won't find it, men could not be trusted with it):
and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and a great earthquake, and great hail.
(There is about 1000 years passing, in this verse, and heaven will be closed. However when it reopens we will be at the judgment day. During that time Christ will have His kingdom on earth, and this is discussed in Revelation 15.
This is the "Great hail" that we read about in Ezekiel 38:22 also. These hail stones will bring about the end of this earth age, and weigh "a talent", which is about 180 pounds each. They will fall upon Satan's forces in Israel, and on the army of Gog, or Russia while they attack this great nation; "from Rosh onto the House of Israel". The battle of "Hamon-gog" is a battle in the very end of this earth age, whereby Russia and her Allied forces will come against the "House of Israel", who in the latter days is the United States, and Britain. While the battle of "Armageddon" is in the land of Palestine, and it is against the Antichrist and all of his religious system. It is God who will have the victory.
This last "woe" takes place only a few seconds or minutes before the completion of this earth age, following the second "woe", which is the death of the two witnesses. The eleventh chapter is a record of what will happen in the last three and one half days before Christ's return. You will hear it, and see it, for it will take place in this generation. The point we must keep in mind, is that when we do see the two witnesses, and hear them, you are going to think of them as trouble-makers. Are you going to be sealed in your mind, to understand and know that they are men from God; sent to speak out against the Antichrist [Satan].)