E  R1  S1  11:1-7. Bethphage. Arrival.
        T1  11:8-11-. In Jerusalem. Entry.
        T2  11:-11-. In the Temple. Observation.
       S2  11:-11. Bethany. Arrival. Without.
   R2  S3  11:12-14. Bethany. Return from. Without.
        T3  11:15-. In Jerusalem.
        T4  11:-15-18. In the Temple. Cleansing.
       S4  11:19. Out of the City. Bethany. Without.
   R3  S5  11:20-26. Bethany. Return from. Without.
        T5  11:27-. In Jerusalem.
        T6  11:-27-12:44. In the Temple.
       S6  13:1-14:25. Return to Bethany.

S1  i  1. The 2 Disciples. Mission.
     k  2,3. Command.
     k  4-6. Obedience.
    1  The 2 Disciples. Return.

11th Nisan (April 1st) 29 A.D.

Mark 11)

1 And on the next morning (cp. John 12:12) when they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage (= house of figs. Now Kefr et Tôr) and Bethany (house of dates, or, house of misery), towards the mount of Olives, He sends forth two of His disciples, (This was the 4th day before the Passover, and is not parallel with Matt. 21:1-17. This is the 2nd entry, from Bethany [not Bethphage]. The former [on the 6th day before the passover] was unexpected [Matt. 21:10,11. This was prepared for [John 12:12,13])

2 And says to them, "Go your way into the village bellow and opposite you (at the former entry it was right opposite [Matt. 21:2]): and immediately (see 1:10,12) you be entered into it, you shall find a colt tied (at the former entry "an ass tied and a colt with her" [Matt. 21:2]. An untamed colt submits to the Lord. Not so His People to whom He was coming [John 1:11]), upon which no one of men; loose him, and led it.
3 And if any one (the contingency being probable. The same word as in vv.31,32; not the same as in vv.13,25,26) say to you, 'Why do you this?' say you that the Lord (Used by Christ of Himself [Gr. ho Kurios]) has need of him;' and straightway (see 1:12) he will send him here."

4 And they went their way, and found a colt tied at the door outside upon in that quarter [where the Lord had said]; and they loose him.
5 And certain of them that stood there said to them, "What are you doing, loosing the colt?"
6 And they said to them even as Jesus (Yahshua) had commanded: and they let them go.

7 And they led the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on it; and He sat upon it.

T1  l  8. Action. The Multitude.
     m  9. Cry. The King.
     m  10. Cry. The Kingdom.
    l  11-. Action. The Lord.

8 And many spread their garments on the way: and others were cutting down branches (Matthew, Mark and John have a different word. Each is a Divine supplement to the other two. All three were cut and cast. Matthew = branches; Mark = litter, made of leaves from the fields; John 12:13 = palm branches) out of the trees, and strawed them in the way.

9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, "Hosanna; Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord: (Quoted in Ps. 118:25:26. See Matt. 21:9. Lord, used of Yahaveh - Kurios)

10 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that comes in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest."

11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem,

and into the temple courts (cp. Matt:2316): and when He had looked round about upon all things, (Therefore not the same entry as in Matt. 21:12-16. Cp. vv.15,16.)

and the hour already being late, He went out to Bethany in company with the twelve. (In another scripture it says he looked angrily. He sighed, which means he snorted when He saw what was going on. They were selling mite infested doves and money changing was happening right in God’s house when God’s word is supposed to be taught there and offerings of the best of your flock were to be presented rather than someone rushing and stopping down and the quick-trip which was set up right at the temple steps where someone would stop and buy some fuzzy, sickly dove and try to offer it to God as a peace offering! He wasn’t happy)

12th Nisan (April 2nd)

12 And on next day, when they were come away from Bethany, He was hungry:
13 And seeing a fig tree (the symbol of Israel as to nation privilege ) afar off having leaves (cp. 13:28. Summer was not yet near. Symbolical of Israel at that time), He went, if after all He might find any thing thereon (He had reason to expect fruit, as figs appear before or with leaves): and having come up to it, He found nothing but leaves; for it was not the season of figs yet. (Divine supplement here. See "The Parable of the Fig Tree" - https://jdangel2009.angelfire.com/Figtree1.html. Stop and think. Do you think for one moment Christ did not know the season of figs? That is to say when they ripen and when they don’t ripen? Of course He did. He knew there would be no figs and only leaves on this tree. The reason He utilized it is for the simple reason that He wanted to establish the parable and to point out for us to know when the leaves shoot forth)
14 And Jesus answered and said to it, (This is Christ speaking to a tree. Sounds strange? Well listen. It says a great deal more than is written. Can you learn the parable behind it? I hope so. I pray so.) "No one eat fruit of you hereafter for ever." And His disciples heard it. (A divine supplement, here. They heard also the Lord's teaching as to the symbol. See vv.20-26. Now do not cut yourself off from fig jam, which is probably one of the best jams in the world, because He is speaking to the bad fig. I hope if you learn one lesson about a fruit inspector that there are good trees and there are bad trees. And I’ll teach you a little bit of horticulture in a few moments and it will clarify things for you.)

15 And they come to Jerusalem:

11:-15-18. IN THE TEMPLE.
T4  n  -15,16. Action of the Lord.
     o  17-. Teaching. What the Temple was for.
     o  -17. Incrimination. What it had become.
    n  18. Action of the Rulers.

and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out (this was a further cleansing than that in Matt. 21:12-16) them that sold and bought in the temple (He took a cat of nine-tails and laid it to their backs is what He did. He hit those money tables and you could hear the coins as they rang and spilled. And laying the whip to them, He drove them out of the church of God.), and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves; (Mite infested, poor substitutes for offering your love to your Father!)
16 And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel (used of vessels in general for non-sacred purposes) through the temple. (This was not done at the former cleansing in Matt. 21:12-16. He stopped this commerce.)

17 And He taught (You know when He taught, boy, now you’re getting fruit right from the vine. And what did He teach?), saying to them, "Does it not stand written that, 'My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer?

but ye have made it a den of robbers.' " (Cp. Matt. 21:13; 26:55. John 10:1,8 The composite quotation is from Isa. 56:7 and Jer. 7:11. You know that holds so true today that people get involved with religion for their own gain and God only knows what else and God only knows for what reason, and what egos, and so forth, yet they never seem to get around to teaching the emotions of our Father and His outreaching love He gives to the heart and the mind of each soul that will love Him. And the guidance that He gives us that keeps us from trouble, that keeps us from the rocky shore and keeps us safe, even in the flesh body.)

18 And the scribes and chief priests heard it (These are your religious people. You got it? Preachers of the day.), and began to seek how they might destroy Him (Sweet folks. Not!): for they feared Him, because all the people was astonished at His teaching. (The people tested the fruit and they kind of liked His fruit.)

19 And when evening was come, He was going outside of the city. (Doubtless to Bethany as before. Cp. v.20 and see - https://jdangel2009.angelfire.com/App4.html )

S5  p  20. Fig-tree withered. Nation cut off.
     q  21. The Lord's word remembered.
      r  22. God the only source of restoration.
     q  23,24. The Lord's word to be believed.
    p  25,26. Nation blessing dependent on nation repentance and forgiveness.

13th Nisan (April 3rd)

20 And in the morning (verses 20-26 are a Divine supplement of details, here), as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up out of the roots. (Boy that’s pretty fast service, overnight. It documents and certifies the importance of the parable.)

21 And Peter calling to remembrance says to Him, "Rabbi (That’s to say teacher.), see, the fig tree which You cursed is withered away." (Symbolical as to the national existence and privilege of Israel.)

22 And Jesus answering says to them, "Have faith in God. (Gr. Theos corresponds, generally, with 'Elohim of the O.T. He and He alone can restore it to life - yes, "life from the dead". See Rom. 11:15. And this did not say have faith in some man. Have faith in God and His word. Do you know what faith is?)

23 For verily I say to you, That whosoever shall say to this mountain (That means this nation. Cp. Matt. 17:20; 21:21; and see 17:6), 'Be you removed (Now he’s talking about the Kenite nation, the nation of the bad fig), and be you cast into the sea;' and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass; there shall be to him whatsoever he says. (Pretty strong statement, but strong in this sense, he’s talking about the bad fig and its nation. And any individual that knows the truth, the real fruit from the proper tree, understands what He’s saying.)
24 On account of this I say to you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and [they] shall be to you.

25 And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have ought against any: that your Father (Gr. Pater.) also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
26 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in the heavens forgive your falling aside." (Gr. paraptôma)

27 And they come again to Jerusalem:

11:-27-13:2. IN THE TEMPLE.
T6  U  11:-27-33. Authority questioned.
     V  W  12:1-11. Teaching. Parable.
         X  12:12. Enemies. Conspiracy.
          Y1  12:13-17. Question. Pharisees, &c. Political.
          Y2  12:18-27. Question. Sadducees. Doctrinal.
          Y3  12:28-34. Question. A Scribe. Moral.
     V  W  12:35-37. Teaching. Question.
         X  12:38-40. Enemies. Condemnation.
    U  12:41-44. Authority exercised.

11:-27-33. AUTHORITY.
U  A  -27,28. Enemies question. Asked.
    B  29,30. The Lord's question. In answer.
     C  31,32. Enemies reasoning.
    B  33-. The Lord's question unanswered.
   A  -33. Enemies question. Unanswered.

and as He was walking (a Divine supplement here) in the temple, there come to Him the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders,
28 And say to Him, "By what kind of authority do You these things? and who gave you this particular authority that You should do these things?"

29 And Jesus answered and said to them, "I will also ask of you one question (note the use of answering one question by asking another), and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
30 The baptism of John, was it out of heaven, or of men? answer Me."

31 And they reasoned with themselves, saying, "If we shall say, 'Out of heaven;' He will say, 'Why then did you not believe him?'
32 But if we shall say, "Of men [it will not be wise]; for they feared the people:" for all men counted John, that he was a prophet indeed.

33 And they answered and said to Jesus, "We do not know." And Jesus answering says to them, "Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things."

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