A² A 1:1-2:52. Pre-Ministerial. The Descension. B 3:1-20. The Forerunner. C 3:21-35. The Baptism: With water. D 4:1-14-. The Temptation:In the Wilderness. E F 4:-14-5:11. The Kingdom. Proclaimed. The Fourfold Ministry of the Lord. G 5:12-9:21. The King. " " G 9:22-18:43. The King. Rejected. " F 19:1-22:38. The Kingdom. " D 22:39-46. The Agony:In the Garden. C 22:47-24:12. The Baptism: of suffering (Death, Burial, and Resurrection. B 24:13-40. The Successors. A 24:50-55. Post-Ministerial. The Ascension.
The Divine purpose of the Gospel of Luke is to set forth not so much as the Messiah, "the King of Israel", as in Matthew's Gospel, or as Yahaveh's servant, as in Mark; but as what He was in Yahaveh's sight, as the ideal MAN - "the Man Whose name is the BRANCH" (Zech. 6:12). See the Structure of the 4 Gospels.
In Luke therefore, the Lord is specially presented as "the Friend of publicans and sinners" - the outcasts of society (Luke 5:29,&c.; 7:27,34,37,&c.; 15; 18:9;,&c.; 19:7,&c.); as manifesting tenderness, compassion, and sympathy (7:13; 13:1,&c.; 19:41,&c.; 23:28,&c.), which went beyond the limits of national prejudice (6:6,27,&c.; 11:41,&c.; 13:1,&c,; 14:1,&c.; 17:11,&c.). Hence Luke alone gives the parable of the good Samaritan (10:30,&c.); and notes that the one leper who gave thanks to God was a Samaritan (17:16,18).
Hence also many references to women, who, so alien to Jewish custom, find frequent and honorable mention:Elizabeth, Anna, the widow of Nain (7:11-15); the penitent woman (7:37,&c.); the ministering women (8:2,&c.); the "daughters of Jerusalem" (23:27,&c.); Martha (10:38-41) and Mary, of Bethany (10:38,42); Mary Magdalene (24:10).
As the ideal Man, the Lord is presented as dependent on the Father, in prayer (3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18,29; 11:1; 18:1; 22:32,41; 23:34,46). On 6 definite occasions the Lord is shown in prayer; and in no less than 7 times "glorifying God" in praise is mentioned (2:20; 5:25; 7:16; 13:13; 17:15; 18:43; 23:47).
The 6 miracles peculiar to Luke (all characteristic of the presentation of the Lord in Luke) are:
As to Luke himself: his name (Gr. Loukas) is probably an abbreviation of the Latin Lucanus, Lucilius, or Lucius. While he was the author of the Acts of the Apostles, he does not once name himself; and there are only 3 places where his name is found: Col. 4:14. 2 Tim. 4:11. Philem. 24.
From these and the "we" portions of the Acts (16:10-17; 20:5-15; 21:1-18; 27:1-28:16) we may gather all that can be known of Luke. We first hear of him at Traos (Acts 16:10), and from there he may be followed through the 4 "we" sections. See the notes on the Structure of the Acts as a whole.
It will be noted in the Structure of this Gospel as a whole that, while in John there is no Temptation, and no Agony, in Luke we not only have these, but the Pre-Natal Section (1:5-2:5) as well as the Pre-Ministerial, which is common to all 4 Gospels.
1. The Drought of Fishes (5:4-11).
2. The Raising of the Widow's Son at Nain (7:11-18).
3. The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity (13:11-17).
4. The Man with the Dropsy (14:1-6).
5. The Ten Lepers (17:11-19).
6. The Healing of Malchus (22:50,51).
The 11 Parables peculiar to Luke (all having a like significance) are:
1. The Two Debtors (7:41-43).
2. The Good Samaritan (10:30-37).
3. The Importunate Friend (11:5-8).
4. The Rich Fool (12:16-21).
5. The Barren Fig-tree (13:6-9).
6. The Lost Piece of Silver (15:8-10).
7. The Lost Son (15:11-32).
8. The Unjust Steward (16:1-12).
9. The Rich Man and Lazarus (16:19-31).
10. The Unjust Judge and Importunate Widow (18:1-8).
11. The Pharisee and the Publican (18:9-14).
Other remarkable incidents and utterances peculiar to Luke may be studied with the same object and result (3:10-14; 10:1-20; 19:1-10, 41-44; 22:44; 23:7-12; 23:27-31; 23:34; 23:40-43; 24:50-58).
A A¹ 1:1-4. Introduction. A&sups; 1:5-2:5. Pre-Natal. A³ 2:6-52. Pre-Ministerial.
A¹ B 1-. Other writers. Many. C D a -1-. Their undertaking. To draw up. b -1-. Their object. Declaration. c -1. Their matter. Things believed. E d 2-. Recipients. "Us". e -2. Authority. Eye-witness. B 3-. The writer. One (Luke). C E e -3-. Authority. Revelation. d -3-. Recipient. "You". D a -3. Luke's undertaking. To write. b 4-. His object. To give knowledge. c -4. His matter. Things taught.
Luke was a medical doctor, probably one of the better educated in the Hellenist world.
This is the book you can affix the birth of Christ. Presents Messiah as the friend of sinners and the common person. Luke = light-giver.
Luke 1)
1 Since, as is well known indeed as many
have taken in hand (the writers, implying previous non-success [Acts 19:13]. A medical word. Cp. Col. 4:14)
to draw up a narrative (used by Galen of a medical treatise)
of those matters (or facts) which have been fully accomplished among us, (i.e. in fulfillment of prophetic announcement. The Way, the Path, Christianity.)
2 Even as they delivered them to us,
which from the beginning (i.e. from the birth or ministry of the Lord. Cp. John 15:27. Acts 1:1,21,22) became eyewitnesses (Gr. autoptai, a medical word. Cp. our autopsy), and attendants (a technical word, often translated "officer") of the word;
3 It seemed good to me also,
having followed up accurately of all things from above, (Gr. anōthen. As in Matt. 27:51 [the top, Mark 15:38]. John 3:3,7 [again], 31 [above]; 19:11,23. James 1:17; 3:1,17. It may mean from the beginning, as in Acts 26:5, but there is no need to introduce that meaning here, as it is already in v.2. Moreover, having understood them "from above", he necessarily understood them from the very beginning, as well as perfectly, or accurately. The greater includes the less. He's going to be very precise and specific.)
to write to you
with method, most excellent (a title of social degree, not of moral quality. See Acts 23:26; 26:25) Theophilus (= beloved of God - you!),
4 In order that you get to have full knowledge
the certainty of those words, concerning which you were [orally] taught. (And believe. See Acts 18:25. 1 Cor. 14:19. Gal. 6:6)
A² F 1:5-25. John. Conception. G 1:26-56. The Holy Family. F 1:57-80. John. Circumcision. G 2:1-5. The Holy Family.
F H f 5-7. Barrenness. Experienced. g 8,9. Ministration of Zacharias. J h 10. The people. Praying. i 11. The Vision. K j 12. Zacharias. Trouble. k 13-17. Angel. Promise. K j 18. Zacharias. Doubt. k 19,20. Angel. Penalty. J h 21. The people. Marveling. i 22. The Vision. H g 23. Ministrations of Zacharias. f 24,25. Barrenness. Removed.
5 B.C.
5 There came to be (a Hebraism) in the days (a Hebraism. See Matt. 2:1. Cp. Est. 1:1) of Herod, the king (this title had been conferred by the Roman Senate on the recommendation of Antony and Octavius) out of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias (= remembered of Yah. Pure Levite serving), of the course of Abia (June 13-19. With sabbath following where he could not travel. Abia is named in 1 Chron. 24:10, and Neh. 12:17. Out of the 4 who returned from Babylon 24 courses were formed [by lot] with the original names): and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron (the female descendants of Aaron always married priests), and her name was Elisabeth. (= oath of Yah. He fulfills His oath with Elizabeth and Mary. Aaron's wife, Elisheba [Ex. 6:23])
6 And they were both righteous (both were what they were suppose to be. Of the tribe of Levi, they fulfilled the course of Abia, and they were in good standing with almighty God. Those legal requirements were met specifically, you can count on it.) before God (Gr. Theos corresponds generally to Elohim, the Creator, of the O.T.), walking in all the commandments and legal requirements (cp. Num. 36:13. sometime rendered "judgments" [Ex. 21:1; 24:3]) of the Lord (Yahaveh) blameless.
7 And they had no child, in as much as that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now advanced in years. (Almost too old.)
8 And it came to pass, that in executing the priest's office before God in the order of his course, (June 13th-19th)
9 According to the custom of the priest's office, it fell to him by lot to burn incense (He was on duty. It was his time and only he with no replacement was burning incense up to God. The 1st recorded use of incense by man began in disobedience [Num. 16:6], and the last ended in unbelief [v.20]) going into the Shrine (i.e. "the Holy Place". See Matt. 23:16) of the Lord.
10 And the whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of incense. (This was the sign)
11 And there appeared to him an angel (Gabriel = mighty man of God ) of the Lord standing at the propitious side (cp. Matt. 25:33. Mark 16:5. John 21:6) of the altar of incense. (See Ex. 30:1-10; 37:25-28)
12 And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him. (It is awesome to be in the presence of the supernatural.)
13 But the angel said to him, "Fear not, Zacharias: because your prayer (= a definite petition) was heard (i.e. not now, or recently. Evidently the prayer for offspring, which was now no longer offered); and your wife Elisabeth shall bring forth to you a son, and you shall call his name John. (= Yahaveh shows favor, or God's gift. 1 of 4 God named before conception)
14 And you shall have joy, yes excellent joy; and many shall rejoice upon [the occasion of] his bringing forth. (used of the mother. See Matt. 1:2)
15 For he shall be great before of the Lord, and shall in no way drink wine nor strong drink (any intoxicating drink not from grapes); and he shall be filled with the Holy Spirit (Gr. Pneuma Hagion, or "power from on high"), even from (i.e. before birth) his mother's womb.
16 And many of the sons of Israel shall he turn (in the spirit of Elijah) towards the Lord (Gr. Kurios means owner) their God.
17 And he shall go forth before Him in the spirit, yes, the powerful spirit of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, (ref. to Mal. 3:1 and 4:5,6.) and the unbelieving in the understanding of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." (Put the seal of God in their foreheads with understanding.)
18 And Zacharias said to the angel, "According to what [sign] shall I get to know this? for I am an old man (to Zechariah the promise seemed to come to late; to Mary [v.34] too early), and my wife well stricken in years." (The angel had told him. He doubted.)
19 And the angel answering said to him, "I am Gabriel (the messenger of the restoration [v.26. Dan. 8:16; 9:21], as Michael in the messenger of Israel's deliverance from judgment [Dan. 10:13,21; 12:1. Jude 9; and Rev. 12:7]. Prob. 2 of the 7 angels of Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; 8:2,6; 15:1,6,7,8; 16:1; 17:1; 21:9), that stand in the presence of God; and was sent to speak to you, and to announce to you these glad tidings. (You asked for a sign, you're going to get one!)
20 And, behold, you shall be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall come to pass, because you believe not my words, which are a kind which shall be fulfilled up to their season." (In their time and when its right. Zacharias should have known being a priest that this was an announcement of the coming of the Messiah from the book of Daniel. See Dan. 9:21-24. This is the angel that announces and warned of the coming Messiah.)
21 And the people were looking for for Zacharias, and marveled that he tarried so long in the temple. (Because such waiting was usually short)
22 And when he came out, he could not speak to them (i.e. pronounce the usual blessing [Num. 6:24]): and they perceived (clearly perceived, or recognized) that he had seen a vision in the temple: for he kept making signs to them, and remained speechless.
June 20th
23 And it came to pass, that, as soon as the week of his public service (Gr. leitourgia, hence Eng. "liturgy") were accomplished, he departed to his own house. (Add a couple of days of travel, 30 miles away, plus he was an old man. Arrived home about 23rd or 24th of June)
Nov. 24th
24 And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and completely secluded herself five months (probably to avoid all possibility of uncleanness, as in Judg. 13:4,5,7,12-14), saying that,
25 "Thus has the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein He looked on me, to take away my reproach among men." (Cp. Gen. 30:23. 1 Sam. 1:6-10. Hos. 9:14. Contrast 23:29)
G L¹ 26-38. Visit of Gabriel to Mary. L² 39-56. Visit of Mary to Elizabeth.
L¹ M 26-28-. Mission of the Angel. N¹ l¹ -28. Angel. Salutation. m¹ 29. Mary. Troubled. N² l² 30-33. Angel. Promise. m² 34. Mary. Inquiry. N³ l³ 35-37. Angel. Answer. m³ 38-. Mary. Content.
Dec. 24th
26 And in the sixth month (After the vision of Zachariah. This [cp. v.36] is the passage which gives John's age as 6 months older than the Lord's) the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee (1 of the 4 Roman divisions of Palestine, comprising Zebulun, Naphtali, and Asher. Cp. Matt. 4:13), named Nazareth, (= the guarded one. See Matt. 2:23)
27 To a virgin (this settles the meaning of the Heb. 'almāh in Isa. 7:14. There is no question about the Gr. partenos) betrothed (a year before marriage. See Matt. 1:18. Mary was engaged to Joseph, but had known no man.) to a husband whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. (= a tear. The Heb. Miriam. Ex. 15:20)
28 And the angel came in unto her, and said,
"Hail (see Matt. 26:49), [you] having been graced [by God] (= endued with grace. "Grace" does not occur in Matthew or Mark), the Lord is in association with you: blessed are you among women."
29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and began to reason what manner of salutation this should be. (She is a virgin and wondering how this is possible, but there was no doubt.)
30 And the angel said to her, "Fear not, Mary: for you have found (fig. put for "received") grace (which is favor to the unworthy, and patience is favor to the obstinate, as mercy is favor to the miserable, as pity is favor to the poor, &c.) from God.
Dec. 25th
31 And, behold, you shall conceive (i.e. forthwith conceive. The Tense marks a future action, the beginning of which in relation to future time is past, but the consequences of which still continue) in your womb (Conception takes place on Dec. 25, not the birth, that comes later), and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. (Gr. Iesous is the same as Heb. Yahshua, and means Salvation of Yahaveh, or Yahaveh the Savior. The Father and the Son. Note the 4 statements of the angel, combining the 4 key-text of the 4 Gospels:
[1] You shall ...bring forth a Son: "Behold the Man".
[2] You shall call His name Jesus: "Behold My Servant".
[3] He shall be great...the Son of the Highest": "Behold your God".
[4] He shall reign,&c.: "Behold your King".)
32 He shall be great (marks the break in the Dispensation, vv,32,33 as being yet future), and shall be called the Son of the Most Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David: (Sent of God. Born of woman. Crucified for our sins. Enter into the Kingdom forever. God works among people)
33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob (put for all the natural seed of the 12 tribes) unto the ages (see Ps. 45:6. Dan. 7:13,14,27. Mic. 4:7. 1 Cor. 15:24-28. Heb. 1:8. Rev. 11:15); and of His kingdom there shall be no end." (Eternal. Don't ever allow anyone to take that away from you, either. God is in control. There is an eternal kingdom in the future. Do you have a place there? Satan would like for you to join him in the lake of fire. Do things God's way. Don't allow Satan to take the Most High God away from you.)
34 Then said Mary to the angel, "How shall this be, since I come to know not a man?" (Mary's answer shows how she understood the angel's promise. She does not question the fact, as Zacharias did [v.18], but only inquires as to the mode. To Mary the promise seems too early, to Zacharias too late.)
35 And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you (cp. Ex. 33:22. Mark 9:7): wherefore also that holy Thing (see Heb. 7:26. 1 Pet. 2:22,&c., and see Matt, 27:4) Which shall be born of you shall be called the Son of God (= God's Son).
36 And, behold, your cousin Elisabeth (Mary's mother and Elizabeth's mother were sisters. Full blood Levites), she has also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her (See Hebrews), who was called barren. (It is interesting to note we have two pregnancies. One, it was too late. Elizabeth was older than normal. The second, was too early. Mary had not known a man. Elizabeth's son would be the forerunner, John the Baptist.)
37 For with God not any word shall be impossible." (See Mark 9:32. Do you have a problem? Ask Him. All happened in God's order and control then, as it will be in the future. Your Father, the Most High, is in control.)
38 And Mary said, "Behold the bond-maid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word. (see previous verse. Same word)
And the angel departed from her.
39 And Mary arose in those days (went the same day, the day of conception), and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda;
L¹ O 39,40. Mary. Journey. P 41-45. Blessing of Mary. P 46-55. Hymn of Mary. O 56. Mary. Return.
40 And entered (a detail, to emphasize the fact, by which she recognized the truth of the sign in v.36) into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth.
P Q n¹ 41-. Hearing. o¹ -41. Exultation of Babe. n² 42-. Speaking. Q n³ -42,43. Benediction. o² 44. Exultation of Babe. n4; 45. Beatitude.
41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary,
the babe leaped in her womb (the spirit enters at the pooint of conception. This is why abortion is wrong - its murder!cp. Gen. 25:22); and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit: (The Holy Spirit was present)
42 And she cried out with a loud voice, and said,
"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit (Messiah) of your womb.
43 And why is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 For, lo, as soon as the voice of your salutation came into my ears, the babe leaped in my womb in exaltation. (When does intelligence come in a child's mind)
45 And happy is she that believed: for there shall be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord."
(Its going to happen exactly as the Lord declares a thing. From mother Eve all the way down to Mary, God protected the lineage. God protected that womb umbilical cord to umbilical cord, whereby Satan couldn't interfere with this One that would be a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.)
P R 46-49. Favors to herself. Condensation. S 50. Mercy to all that revere Him. R 51-53. Favors to others. Discrimination. S 54,55. Mercy remembered to Israel.
R p 46,47. Mary rejoicing. q 48-. Reason. p -48. All rejoicing. q 49. Reason.
46 And Mary said, "I myself do magnify the Lord, (How she did love Him. How could she not!)
47 And my spirit has exulted in the God [Who is] Savior [of me]. (See Deut. 32:15. Ps. 24:5; 25:6; 95:1)
48 For He has looked upon (see James 2:3, and cp. 1 Sam. 1:11. Ps. 33:14; 119:32) the low estate of His handmaiden:
for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
49 For the Mighty One has done to me great things; and holy is His name. (Ps. 20:1)
50 And His compassion is on them that revere Him to generations of generations.(All generations had opportunity. See 1 Pet. 3:18,19)
51 He has showed strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. (You have free will if you want to mess up. If you want to mess up, go ahead, see where you get.)
52 He has put down the mighty from their thrones (Amaziah [2 Kings 14:10]; Uzziah [2 Chron. 26:16]; Nebuchadnezzar [Dan. 5:20]; Belshazzar [Da. 5:23,30]), and exalted the lowly (or humble. His elect. See Rom. 11).
53 He has filled the hungry with good things (especially the truth); and the rich (with ill-gotten gains) He has sent empty away.
54 He has taken by the hand His servant Israel (cp. Isa. 41:8,9. Ps. 98:3), [in order] to remembrance His compassion;
55 According ass He spoke to our fathers (Gen. 17:19. cp. Mic. 7:20. Gal. 3:16. Acts 2:39), to Abraham, and to his seed for ever." (Ps. 132:11)
56 And Mary abode in fellowship with her about three months, and returned back to her own house. (almost peculiar to Luke. Occ. only in Mark 14:40. Gal. 1:17. Heb. 7:1, outside Luke and Acts)
F T¹ 57-63. John. Birth and Circumcision. T² 64-79. Zacharias. Prophecy: Fulfilled and Renewed. T³ 80. John. Growth till manifestation.
T¹ U 57. John. Birth. V 58. Neighbors. Congratulations. U 59-63. John. Circumcision. V -63. Neighbors. Wonder.
March 24,25th. 4 B.C.
57 Now Elisabeth's fulfilled time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son.
58 And her neighbors and her cousins heard how the Lord had magnified His mercy (a Hebraism. Cp. Gen. 19:19. 2 Sam. 22:51. She had been barren her whole life. This a Divine birth) with her; and they rejoiced with her.
59 And it came to pass, that in the eighth day (8 = new beginnings. See Gen. 17:12. Lev. 12:5. Phil. 3:5) they came to circumcise the child; and they were for calling him Zacharias, after the name of his father.
60 And his mother answered and said, "Not; but he shall be called John."
61 And they said to her, "There is none among your kindred who is called by this name." (Not according to tradition)
62 And they were consulting him by signs (i.e. while the colloquy was going on), how he wished to have him called.
63 And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, saying, "His name is John." (John = grace of Yahaveh, was thus the 1st written word of that dispensation.)
And they marveled all. (They wondered)
T² W¹ 64-67. Prophecy. Given to Zacharias. W² 68-79. Prophecy. Given by Zacharias.
64 And his mouth was opened at once (Gr. parachrema, a medical word [see Col. 4:14], used 13 times in connection with disease or healing), and his tongue loosed, and he began to speak, and praised God. (When God speaks you had better listen. When his tongue was loosed, the Word spread, the Lord is coming. Same message should be spread today. Greatest gift ever given to mankind)
65 And fear came upon all that dwelt round about them: and all these sayings were talked abroad in the whole hill country of Judaea. (The forerunner of Messiah has been born. The good news was traveling fast.)
66 And all they that heard them laid them up in their hearts (= minds. They meditated), saying, "What manner of child shall this be!" And the hand of the Lord was with him. (Very few like John. When you make a stand for God, He will always be with you.)
67 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying,
W² t 68. Visitation. u 69. Salvation. v 70. Prophets. w 71. Enemies. x 72. The Covenant. x 73. The Covenant. w 74,75. Enemies. v 76. Prophet. u 77. Salvation. t 78,79. Visitation.
68 "Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel; for He has looked and wrought a ransom for His people, (He knew the Dispensation. He knew the meaning of all these things. Cp. Titus 2:14. God will never leave us without a prophet. Father was announcing the coming of the Messiah that had been promised generations earlier. Zacharias was the husband of Elizabeth, and thus the belief of John the Baptist. He was a Levitical priest. The Holy Spirit continues to speak through Zacharias.)
69 And has raised up a horn of salvation (see Ps. 132:17. 1 Sam. 2:1,10. Ezek. 29:1) for us in the house of His servant David;
70 As He spoke through the mouth of His holy prophets, which have been from [the] age: (i.e. of old. See Jer. 23:5. Dan. 9:24. Remember, the people in Psalm 74 said that there is no more a prophet. God said, "His holy prophets which have been since the world began". The problem hasn't been the lack of prophets. The problem is that people don't listen to the Word of God.)
71 That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; (Know that this is true. Do you allow Satan to mess up your life? You don't have to. Jesus gave us power over all our enemies in His name (Luke 10:17-18). Take care of business.)
72 To perform the mercy promised with our fathers, and to remember His holy covenant; (God keeps His Word. Time means nothing to Him. That covenant is God's promise. Do you think He would ever break a promise? Not as long as you see the sun come up in the morning.)
73 The oath which He swore to our father Abraham, (See Gen. 12:3; 17:4; 22:16,17. We have come full circle to were we began with the Most High promise to Abraham.)
74 That He would grant to us, that we being delivered from the hands of our enemies might serve (or worship) Him without fear, (Believe. Have every intention of following God. We have nothing to fear. We have power over all our enemies! You have the Most High within you. That is the Spirit of the Most High. You aren't the one who should be afraid.)
75 In holiness (toward God) and righteousness (toward men. Cp. 1 Thess. 2:10. Eph. 4:24) before Him, all the days of our life. (Everyday)
76 And you, child, shall be called the prophet of the Highest: for you shall go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways; (The voice crying in the wilderness. Unction and option of the Holy Spirit working through him. John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah. The spirit of Elijah is with all that prepare the way for the 2nd coming of the Lord. God promised salvation to His children through Messiah. He kept His promise. Every day we should take note of our Father's covenant signs. When you see the daily signs, rejoice! Our Father lives!)
77 To give knowledge of salvation to His people for the remission of their sins, (conditional on your part)
78 On account of the bowels of compassion of our God; in which the day-spring from on high has visited us, (Gr. anatote, rising of light, i.e. dawn, is rendered so in Jer. 23:5 and Zech. 3:8, because of its springing up. Heb. branch. Both meanings [branch and light] are here combined. Cp. Ezek. 16:7; 17:10.)
79 To shine upon them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death (a Hebraism. Job 10:21; 38:17. Ps. 32:4; 107:10. Isa. 9:2. Matt. 4:16,&c.), to direct our feet into the way of peace (of mind. If you have eyes to see).
80 And the child grew, and grew and was strengthened in spirit (he came in the Spirit of Elijah), and was in the deserts (a well known part) till the day of his official inauguration to Israel. (See 10:1)