1 And at that time (fixes the end of the Tribulation. Note the 3 subjects connected with "the time of the end") shall Michael stand up (see 10:13), the great prince which stands for the sons of your People (i.e. Daniel's People, Israel): and there shall be a time of tribulation (i.e. the great Tribulation. Cp. 8:24,25; 9:26. Isa. 26:20,21. Jer. 30:7. Matt. 24:21. Mark 13:19. Rev. 16-21), such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your People shall be delivered (cp. Isa. 11:11,&c.; 27:12,13. Jer. 30:7. Ezek. 37:21-28; 39:25-29. Hos. 3:4,5. Joel 3:16-21. Amos 9:11-15. Obad. 17-21. Zech. 12:3-10. Rom. 11:5,6,15,26), every one that shall be found written in the book. (Book of life. Ex. 32:32,33. Cp. Pss. 56:8; 69:28. Isa. 4:3. Ezek 13:9. Luke 10:20. Rev. 3:5; 13:8; 20:12,15)
2 And many from among them that sleep in the dust of the ground (Cp. Satan in Gen. 3) shall awake (Ecc. 12:6,7 2 Cor. 5:7,8. In the Millennium.), these [former] to everlasting life (John 5:28,29. Acts 24:15), and those [the former] (i.e. the rest of the dead [Isa. 29:19,21; 27:6. Rev. 20:5,6]. Cp. 1 Cor. 15:23. 1 Thess. 4:16) to shame and everlasting thrusting away.
3 And they that make wise (v. 10; 11:33,35) shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. (Those seeds that you planted.)
A³ L N 4. The book closed and sealed. O 5,6. Inquiry of the 2. "How long?" M a 7-. The answer. b -7-. The times. 3 1/2 years. c -7. The end. L O 8. Inquiry of Daniel. "What?" N 9. The book closed and sealed. M a 10. The answer. b 11,12. The times. c 13. The end. The 1,290 and 1,335 days.
424 B.C.
4 But you, O Daniel, close up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end: many shall run to and fro (or apostatize), and knowledge (or, calamities, or wickedness) shall be increased.' (As prophecies come to pass, apostasy.)
5 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river. (See 10:4, the Tigris.)
6 And one said to the man clothed in linen (angel of the Lord), which was above the waters of the river, 'How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?'
7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven (see Deut. 32:40), and swore by Him that lives for ever
that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; (3 1/2 years. Shortened to 5 months. Rev. 9:5)
and when he (i.e. the "little horn", antichrist) shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. (After one world system is completed.)
8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, 'O my Lord (Adoni), what shall be the end of these things?' (i.e. the "wonders" of v.6 The prophecy from 10:14 is given in view of these questions)
9 And he said, 'Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. (Rev. 9:4. However, You can see them because we are living in the end times, the generation of the fig-tree.)
10 Many shall be purified (overcome), and made white, and refined; but the lawless shall do lawlessness: and none of the lawless shall understand; but the wise shall understand. (You are wise. Conditions already fulfilled. The wise will know the season.)
11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away (Crucifixion ends this. See 8:11), and the abomination that makes desolate (see 8:12) set up (Parable of the fig-tree which came to fruition in 1948. Formulation: 33 A.D. - 1948 = 1915 + 1290 = 1335. 1335 ÷ 1290 = 1.484 years.), there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. (1980 a benchmark. Mt St. Helen erupted on Pentecost day)
12 Blessed (= O the blesses! See Ps. 1:1. The only Beatitude in this book) is he that is steadfast (waits for the true Christ. Cp. Matt. 24:13. Mark 13:13. Rev. 2:26), and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. (The Hebrew accent suggests the rendering: "Blessed is he that expects and shall reach [the goal: he shall reach] today, 1335 [see previous verse]"
13 But go you your way till the end be (this is the sole object of Gabriels words from 10:14 onward): for you shall rest, and stand in your lot (i.e. in resurrection)at the end of the days.' "
There are five (*1) specific periods of "time" and "days" mentioned in the Book of Daniel (7:25; 8:14; 12:7, 11, 12).
In addition to these five, we have the great period of the "seventy sevens" (or weeks) of years in chapter 9.
Sixty-nine of these were completed at the "cutting off" of the Messiah; the last of "seventieth seven" is yet to come. All the other five periods of time in the book are to be referred to, and are standardized, so to speak, by this last "seven".
The "seventy weeks" (sevens) are confessedly to be reckoned as years. Therefore, on the basis of a Jewish year of 360 days, one "seven" is 360 x 7 = 2,520 days.
The terminus a quo of 1, 4, 5, 6 (see diagram) is manifestly determined by the term "in the midst of the week" (the last "seven" of years), of the standard (col. 3) : that is, 1,260 days, or 3 1/2 years from either end of the column.
"The prince that shall come" (Antichrist) "will make a (*2) covenant with many for one week" (i.e. seven years) (9:27).
After 3 1/2 years, on grounds not stated, he breaks this covenant (or "league", 11:23), the daily sacrifice is "taken away", the "abomination" set up, and "Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7) commences and continues for the remainder of the "seven" : viz. : for the 1,260 days or 3 1/2 years.
It is this "midst of the week" that determines both the a quo and the ad quem of these Numbered Days.
In 8:14 it is stated, "then shall the Sanctuary be cleansed" (*3). With regard to this "cleansing", all the periods, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (see diagram) synchronize at the end; while the last tow columns (5 and 6) are extended and prolonged beyond the close of the 1,260 days by two significant periods of days, viz. 30 days and 75 days, respectively.
The first of these, 1,290 days is 1,260 + 30. And the 30 days here may be taken as a "Ve-Adar" or intercalary month of 30 days of "cleansing" following directly after the destruction of the false Messiah, and the break up of his confederacy. These thirty days may possibly be the period allotted for the construction of the new and glorious "Sanctuary" of Ezekiel 40-43, which is to be erected after the destruction and removal of the Jewish temple which will have been built by the sons of Israel some time previously to its profanation by the Antichrist -- as the antitype of Antiochus Epiphanes.
With regard to the 1,335 days of 12:12 : This is 1,260 days with an excess of 75 days. This again being an excess of 45 days beyond the 1,290 of 12:11. 1,335 is, therefore, 1,260 + 30 + 45.
If the 30 days are occupied with the "cleansing", i.e. with the "justifying" or "making righteous" a new and glorious "Sanctuary", then it may be that the further 45 days, over and above the 1,290, will cover the preparation time for the fulfillment of the forty-fifth psalm (such preparation including, the resurrection to life of those concerned in 12:2), in order that the nuptials of the king may be celebrated as described in such wonderful and minute detail in that psalm. (*4)
In connection with this period (1,335 days) we have the only Beatitude in the book! "Blessed (ashrey) is he that waiteth ( = is steadfast) and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days" (12:12). A blessed "lot" indeed for those who will have passed through "the Trouble" and are counted worthy to be participators in the scenes of glory and triumph of the King when He is united to restored Israel in that Day, as portrayed in the forty-fifth psalm!
In examining the diagram and the references in the book, it will be seen (1) that the only one of these five periods of "time" and "days" that presents any serious difficulty is that of the 2,300 days. (2) That its terminus ad quem is the same as the others, viz. the end of the seventieth seven is clear from 8:14, which gives it as being marked by the "cleansing of the Sanctuary". Reckoning backwards, therefore, the terminus a quo of this period is seen to be 220 days short of the commencement of the seventieth "seven".
It is not clearly revealed what event or events will mark the commencement of these 2,300 days, but it will be probably some political crisis connected with the confederated kingdoms under the sway of the Antichrist. The key is possibly to be found in chapter 8, typified by the contention between the ram and he-goat representing Medo-Persia and Greece. But, though the terminus a quo of this period is not given to us in plain language (like e.g. the "midst of the week" of 9:27), yet it will be known to, and understood by, the people of God, who pass through "the Trouble" time of the seventieth "seven", for "the wise (in that day) shall understand" (12:10).
If the "time of trouble" of Dan. 12:1 is a "time" like the "time" of 7:25; 12:7 (Nos. 1 and 4, above), i.e. one year, then there are six specific periods of time in the book of Daniel, in addition to the seventieth, or last "seven". If so, the "time" of Dan. 12:1 suggests that "Jacob's trouble" will be closed by a "time" (or year) of acutest "tribulation". Does this correspond with "the acceptable year" of Isa. 61:2, immediately preceding the "Vengeance"?
The Diagram will illustrate the above remarks.
1. "And they shall be given into his had until a time, and times, and the dividing of time." 7:25.
(*2) No definite art. in the Heb.
2. "The shall the Sanctuary be cleansed." 8:14.
3. "To finish the transgression and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy." 9:27.
4. "How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?" 12:6 "For a time, times, and an half ... all these (things) shall be finished." 12:7.
5. "From the time (that) the daily (sacrifice) shall be taken away (there shall be) a thousand two hundred and ninety days." 12:11.
6. "Blessed (ashrey) is he that waiteth ( = is steadfast) and cometh to the thousand, three hundred and five and thirty days." 12:12.
(*3) Heb. zadak = justified or made righteous. Not the word used of ceremonial or moral cleansing (Heb. tah-heer); and it may be noted that the word is here employed in the Niphal-Praeterite form -- and is therefore equal to -- the Sanctuary was justified or made, or appointed righteous.
(*4) Further, it is interesting to note in connection with the numbers 30 and 45, that Ps. 30 was sung "at the dedication of the house of David" -- its subject being praise for deliverance in "The Day of (the) Trouble" (Ps. 20:1) -- which is prophetically this very 1,260 days of "Jacob's trouble" in Daniel and Revelation. And 45 is the number of the Psalm which, as the Great King's Nuptial Ode -- sets before us the glory and triumph of the Messiah at His marriage with the elect remnant of Israel -- the "wife" of such passages as Isa. 54:5-8; 62:4, 5. Jer. 3:14, &c. Moreover, the No. 75 is that of the Psalm which sets before us "God's anointed" in the Sanctuary, and emphatically declared (v. 7) "God is Judge" (or Ruler).
Taken from Appendix 90 of the Companion Bible.