To remove these difficulties, we must note :--
I. That the first day of each of the three feasts, Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, was "a holy convocation", a "sabbath" on which no servile work was to be done. See Lev. 23:7, 24, 35. Cp. Ex. 12:16.
"That Sabbath" and the "high day" of John 19:31, was the "holy convocation", the first day of the feast, which quite overshadowed the ordinary weekly sabbath.
It was called by the Jews Yom tov ( = Good day), and this is the greeting on that day throughout Jewry down to the present time.
This great sabbath, having been mistaken from the earliest times for the weekly sabbath, has led to all the confusion.
II. This has naturally caused the further difficulty as to the Lord's statement that "even as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so shall the Son of man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights" (Matt. 12:40). Now, while it is quite correct to speak according to Hebrew idiom of "three days" or "three years", while they are only parts of three days or three years, yet that idiom does not apply in a case like this, where "three nights" are mentioned in addition to "three days". It will be noted that the Lord not only definitely states this, but repeats the full phraseology, so that we may not mistake it. See the subject fully discussed in Ap. 144.
III. We have therefore the following facts furnished for our sure guidance :
1. The "high day" of John 19:31 was the first day of the feast.
2. The "first day of the feast" was on the 15th day of Nisan.
3. The 15th day of Nisan, commenced at sunset on what we should call the 14th.
4. "Six days before the passover" (John 12:1) takes us back to the 9th day of Nisan.
5. "After two days is the passover" (Matt. 26:2. Mark 14:1) takes us to the 13th day of Nisan.
6. "The first day of the week", the day of the resurrection (Matt. 28:1, &c.), was from our Saturday sunset to our Sunday sunset. This fixes the days of the week, just as the above fix the days of the month, for:
7. Reckoning back from this, "three days and three nights" (Matt. 12:40), we arrive at the day of the burial, which must have been before sunset, on the 14th of Nisan; i.e. before our Wednesday sunset.
8. This makes the sixth day before the passover (the 9th day of Nisan) to be our Thursday sunset to Friday sunset.
Therefore Wednesday, Nisan 14th (commencing on the Tuesday at sunset), was "the preparation day", on which the crucifixion took place : for all four Gospels definitely say that this was the day on which the Lord was buried (before our Wednesday sunset), "because it was the preparation [day]" the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, "for that sabbath day was a high day", and, therefore, not the ordinary seventh day, or weekly sabbath. See John 19:31
IV. It follows, therefore, that the Lord being crucified on "the preparation day" could not have eaten of the Passover lamb, which was not slain until the evening of the 14th of Nisan (i.e. afternoon). On that day the daily sacrifice was killed at the 6th hour (noon) and offered about the 7th hour (1 p.m.). The killing of the Passover lambs began directly afterwards. Thus it is clear, that if the killing of the Passover lambs did not commence until about four hours after our Lord had been hanging upon the Cross, and would not have been concluded at the ninth hour (3 p.m.) when "He gave up the ghost;" -- no "Passover lamb" could have been eaten at the "last supper" on the previous evening.
V. With these facts before us, we are now in a position to fill in the several days of the Lord's last week with the events recorded in the Gospels. By noting that the Lord returned to Bethany (or to the Mount of Olives) each night of that week, we are able to determine both the several days and the events that took place in them.
THE SIXTH DAY BEFORE THE PASSOVER, THE 9TH DAY OF NISAN. (MARCH 29TH, 29 A.D.) (Our Thursday sunset to Friday sunset.)
EVENT MATT. MARK LUKE JOHN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lord approaches Jerusalem from Jerico..... 19:1-10 He passes our Thursday night at the house of Zacchaeus........................ 19:5 And delivers the Parable of the Pounds........ 19:11-27 He proceeds towards Jerusalem................. 19:28 He sends 2 disciples for an "ass" and a "colt" (2 animals)......................21:1-7 An He makes His first entry from Bethphage (not Bethany)................................21:8,9 He is unexpected, and they ask "Who is this?".21:10,11 He cleanses the Temple........................21:12-16 He returns to Bethany.........................21:17 12:1 THE FIFTH DAY BEFORE THE PASSOVER, THE 10TH DAY OF NISAN. (MARCH 30TH) (Our Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) The Lord passes the Sabbath at Bethany; and after sunset (on our Sat.), the first of 3 suppers was made, probably at the house of Lazarus, in Bethany. 12:2 At this supper the first of 2 anointings took place.......................... 12:3-11 THE FOURTH DAY BEFORE THE PASSOVER,THE 11TH DAY OF NISAN. (MARCH 31ST) (Our Saturday sunset to Sunday sunset), the Gentile "Palm Sunday". The second, or triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He sends 2 disciples for a colt (one animal)............... 11:1-7 19:29-25 12:12- The Lord starts from Bethany (not Bethphage) and is met by multitudes from Jerusalem....................... 11:8-10 19:36-40 12:-12-19 He weeps over the city. 19:41-44 He enters the Temple, looks around.......................................... 11:11- And returns to Bethany.......................... 11:-11 THE THIRD DAY BEFORE THE PASSOVER, THE 12TH DAY OF NISAN. (APRIL 1ST) (Our Sunday sunset to Monday sunset) In the morning (our Monday a.m.) the Lord returns to Jerusalem....................................21:18 11:12 The Fig-tree cursed.............................21:19-22 11:13,14 The Temple. Further cleansing....................................... 11:15-17 19:45,46 In the Temple. Further teaching. "Certain Greeks"...................... 19:47- 12:20-50 Opposition of Rulers............................ 11:18 19:-47,48 He goes out of the city (probably to Bethany; See Luke 21:37,38, below)........................... 11:19 THE SECOND DAY BEFORE PASSOVER, THE 13TH DAY OF NISAN. (APRIL 2ND) (Our Monday sunset to Tuesday sunset) In the morning (our Tuesday a.m.) on the way to Jerusalem, the question of the disciples about the Fig Tree.............................. 11:20-26 In Jerusalem again: and in the Temple......................................21:23-27 11:27-33 20:1-8 In Jerusalem teaching in........................21:28- 12:1-44 20:9- Parables; and questions.........................23:39 21:4 The first great prophecy, in the Temple................................... 21:5-36 (Parenthetical statement as to the Lord's custom during this last week)................................. 21:37,38 The second great prophecy, on the Mount of Olives..........................24:1-51 13:1-37 The second great prophecy,......................25:1-46 continued. "After two days is the Passover"...................................26:1-5 14:1,2 He returns to Bethany, and is present at the second supper in the house of Simon the leper. The second Anointing..................26:6-13 14:3-9 THE DAY BEFORE THE PASSOVER-THE 14TH DAY OF NISAN-"THE PREPARATION DAY"-THE DAY OF THE CRUCIFIXION. (APRIL 3RD, 29 A.D.) (Our Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset) The plot of Judas Iscariot to betray the Lord...............................26:14-16 14:10,11 22:1-5 The "preparation' for the last supper*.....................................26:17-19 14:12-16 22:7-13 "The evening was come" (Our Tuesday after sunset) when the plot for the betrayal was ripe for execution...........................26:20 14:17 The last supper, commencing with the washing of feet.......................... 13:1-20 The announcement of the betrayal, &c.....................................26:21-25 14:18-21 13:21-30 The supper eaten, the "New Covenant" made (Jer.31:31). The lamb abolished, bread and wine substituted.............................26:26-29 14:22-25 22:14-23 The first prophecy of Peter's denials................................... 13:31-38 The strife; who should be the greatest, &c................................. 22:24-30 The second prophecy of Peter's denials.................................. 22:31-34 The final appeal to His first commission. (Luke 9:3)..................... 22:35-38 The last discourse to the eleven, followed by His prayer................... 14:1-17:26 They go to Gethsemane............................26:30-35 14:26-29 22:39 18:1 The third prophecy of Peter's denials.................................. 14:30,31 The agony in the garden..........................26:36-46 14:32-42 22:40-46 The apprehension of the Lord.........................................26:47-56 14:43-50 22:47-54 18:2-11 The escape of Lazarus............................ 14:51,52 The trials: continued............................26:57- 14:53- 22:54- 18:12- throughout our Tuesday night.....................27:31 15:19 23:25 19:13 About the 6th hour (Our Tuesday midnight) Pilate said "Behold your King"............................... 19:14,15 Led away to be crucified........................................27:31-34 15:20-23 23:26-31 19:16,17 And "led with Him" two "malfactors"..................................... 23:32,33 19:18 Discussion with Pilate about the Inscriptions........................... 19:19-22 The dividing of the garments.........................................27:35-37 15:24 23:34 19:23,24 "It was the third hour, and they crucified Him". (Our 9 a.m. Wednesday)........................... 15:25,26 "Then were there two robbers crucified with Him"..............................27:38 15:27,28 The revilngs of the rulers, both "robbers", and one "malefactor".....................................27:39-44 15:20-32 23:35-43 The Lord's mother and John....................... 19:25-27 "The 6th hour" (Our Wed. noon) and the darkness...........................27:45-49 15:33 23:44,45 "The 9th hour" (Our Wed. 3 p.m.) and the expiring cry.....................27:50 15:34-37 23:46 19:28-30 Subsequent events................................27:51-56 15:38-41 23:47-49 19:31-37 Buried in haste before sunset (Our Wednesday about 6 p.m.), before the "high day" (the first day of Feast began), our Wednesday sunset...............27:57-66 15:42-47 23:50-56 19:38-42 * The words in Mark 14:12 and Luke 22:7 refer to "the first day of unleavened bread", which was the 14th dayof Nisan, and therefore "the preparation day". That is why the Lord goes on to tell the two disciples to go and make preparations for the Passover. "THE FIRST DAY OF THE FEAST"-"THE HIGH DAY" (Yom tov)-THE 15TH DAY OF NISAN. (APRIL 4TH) (Our Wednesday sunset to Thursday sunset.) THE FIRST NIGHT and FIRST DAY IN THE TOMB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SECOND DAY OF THE FEAST-THE 16TH DAY OF NISAN. (APRIL 5TH) (Our Thursday sunset to Friday sunset) THE SECOND NIGHT and SECOND DAY IN THE TOMB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE THIRD DAY OF THE FEAST-"THE (WEEKLY) SABBATH"-THE 17TH DAY OF NISAN. (APRIL 6TH) (Our Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) THE THIRD NIGHT and THIRD DAY IN THE TOMB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK"-THE 18TH DAY OF NISAN. (APRIL 7TH) (Our Saturday sunset: "the third day" of Matt.16:21, &c.; not the third day of the Feast). Thus, the resurrection of the Lord took place at our Saturday sunset, or thereabouts, on "the third day"; cp. "after three days" (Matt. 27:63. Mark 8:31)........28:1-10 16:1-18 24:1-49 20:1-23
Each day is marked by a return to Bethany during the last week (up to the Preparation Day); and each day is filled with the recorded events.
It follows therefore, that the Lord was crucified on our Wednesday; was buried on that day before sunset; and remained "three days and three nights" in the tomb, as foretold by Him in Matt.12:40; rising from the dead on "the third day", "the first day of the week".
The fixed days and dates, at either end, hold the whole period as in a vise, and place the whole subject on a sure foundation.
We are children of the Light (=Christ). All prophecy concerning God's children are given in days. The 1st day of the Solar year is the first day of spring March 20th, the vernal equinox. The Solar year is a perfect calendar. To find the exact day of our Lord's crucifixion, count 14 days from the first day of spring. That is April 3rd every year, it will never change.
The prophecies concerning Satan and his children are always given in months, or Moon's-Lunar (Darkness). "Easter". (Gr. pascha = passover. NOT "EASTER". Correctly translated 24 times in NT. Passover. The 1 time incorrectly translated people jump all over it! "Easter" is not in any of the Greek manuscripts. "Easter" is a heathen deity. It is an offense to God to allow this to continue, i.e commemoration of orgies and rolling of fertility eggs & rabbits = fertility, quick as a bunny. "Easter" is a heathen term, derived from the Saxon goddess Eastre, the same as Astarte, the Syrian Venus, called Ashtoreth in the Old Testament) is always set by the full moon which is on an imperfect calendar. It is chaotic & confusing. By the way the word "Babylon" translated not transliterated = "confusion". Are you a child of the Light of of Darkness? For a more in depth study on this subject, check out Would Jesus Keep Easter?
Our Father in heaven does not like us to bring heathenistic practices into His house, especially on the Highest Holy Day of the year of Christianity. It's o.k. to go out in the world and try to bring people into His house, but don't bring in their practices. Leave that on the outside.
I am writing this NOT to rock the boat or be an offense to anybody, but to bring you the truth so you will be pleasing to God not man. It's your choice. Ignorance is not a sin in itself, but it is a sin to remain in it when you know the truth. Be tolerant of other peoples beliefs. But by the grace of God there go I. Plant a seed, and watch God make it grow and bring you much blessings.
In His service, your friend in Christ, Jim.