1: And it came to pass in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake (with great authority),
that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed (Gr. Hellên).
2: But the unbelieving Jews (i.e. the Judean Kenites = sons of Cain) stirred up the nations (Gr. ethnos. The Gr. reads, "stirred up and made evil affected the minds of the nations), and made their souls evil affected against the brethren. (= embittered, or poisoned)
3: Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord (indicating the subject of their discourse), Who witnessed to the word of His grace, and gave signs and wonders to be done by their hands. (Holy Spirit teaching Law of Grace)
4: But the multitude of the city was divided (Gr. schizõ, to tear; hene schisma, division. Divide and conquer, one of Satan's roles. See John 7:43; 9:16; 10:19): and some indeed were with the Jews (= the Kenites = the sons of Cain), but others with the apostles.
5: And when there was an onset made both of the Gentiles (Hellêns), and also of the Jews with their rulers (i.e. rulers of the Kenites), to insult them, and to stone them, (People will go to war over bad counsel and religion)
6: They having considered it,
J O -6,7. Preaching. P d 8-10. Miracle. Healing. e 11-13. Deification. O 14-18. Remonstrance. P e 19. Repudiation. d 20-. Miracle. Resurrection.
fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia (= wolf-land. In the Gr. the order is "to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra, and Derbr"), and to the region that lies round about:
7: And there they were preaching the gospel. (Never changing. They were itinerating to evangelize the whole district. Timothy was one of the converts, as, on the return visit, he is called a disciple [16:1])
8: And there sat a certain man in Lystra, impotent in his feet, being (the text omits) lame from his mother's womb, who never had walked: (the text omits. God uses selected miracles to convert unbelievers)
9: This one was hearing Paul speak: who gazing at him, and perceiving that he had faith to be saved, (He [Paul] could tell being a gifted teacher that he was)
10: Said with a loud voice (so all the people in the area could hear), “Stand straight on your feet.” And he leaped and began to walk. (This documents that he [Paul] is a messenger that God touched this one [not Paul] and healed him)
11: And when the crowd saw what Paul had did (One of Satan's little tricks. Paul didn't do it. Beware of persons that practice heathenism), they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in likened to men (The Lycaonians were no doubt familiar with the legend of Jupiter and Mercury's visit in disguise to the aged couple, Philemon and Baucis, the scene of whch was laid in the neighboring province of Phyrgia. See Ovid, Metam. VIII).
12: And they called Barnabas, Jupiter (Gr. Zeus. The father of the gods); and Paul, Mercurius (Gr. Hermês. The messenger of the gods.), because he was the chief speaker (Lit. the leader of the world, or message). (Don't make man something that they are not)
13: Then the priest of Jupiter, which (i.e. whose temple) was before their city, brought garlanded (floral crowned) oxen to the gates, and were desiring to sacrifice with the people.
14: But the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, having heard, they tore their clothes (cp. Matt.25:65), and rushed in (the text reads, "rushed out") to the people, crying out, (They are not going to let this stand. God works through us.)
15: And saying, “Sirs (cp. 7:26), why do you all these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach to you (Lit. evangelizing you) to turn from these vain things (see 1 Cor.3:20; 15:7. Tit.3:9. Jas.1:26. 1 Pet.1:18. 1 Kings 16:13,26. Jer.8:19. Jonah 2:9, &c.) to the living God (or Yehovah. Elohim = God as the Creator, Yahaveh = God in covenant relationship. Gr. Theos. This notable expression occ. 15 times in the O.T [#15 = Rest], and 16 times in the N.T. [#16 = Love]. It is noteworthy that it is used twice by Peter, once by Caiaphas, once in the Revelation, and the remaining 12 times by Paul [#12 = Governmental perfection]. The Lord uses the words "the living Father" in John 6:57. It is of course in contrast with idols. Cp. Deut.32:40), Which made the heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in it:
16: Who generations passed away suffered all nations to walk in their own (heathen) ways. (God allowed it.)
17: And yet He left not Himself without witness, in that He doing good, and giving us rain from heaven, and fruit-bearing seasons, satisfying our hearts (or minds) with food and gladness.” (It rains on the just and unjust.)
18: And saying these things with difficulty made to cease they the people, that they had not done sacrifice to them. (He wouldn't put up with it)
19: But there came from that place certain Jews (= the Kenites = the sons of Cain) from Antioch and Iconium, and having persuaded the people, and, having stoned Paul (cp. 2 Cor.11:25), dragged him outside of the city, reckoning (this word, which occ. 15 ties, always means to conclude from custom, law, or evidence, never to imagine. See Luke 3:27) was dead, as was the fact. (Dead enough to have near-death experience.See 2 Cor.12:2-5)
20: But, as the disciples encircled him, having risen up (i.e. by Divine power), came into the city:
and on the next day (cp. Matt.10:23) he departed with Barnabas to Derbe. (He wasn't afraid)
21: And having preached the gospel to that city, and having made disciples of many,
they returned again to Lystra,
and to Iconium,
and Antioch, (They returned to these places to shore them up and go to a new level of understanding in God's Word)
22: Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying that we must through much tribulation (see 7:10) enter into the kingdom of God . (Once a disciple has learned, there is no substitute for the Truth. You can see both sides. God convicts you with truth)
23: And having chosen them elders in every church (cp. Tit.1:5), and having prayed with fasting, they commended (cp. Luke 23:46) them to the lord (Eng. the Lord), on whom they believed. (Faith organized it and turned it over to the LORD)
24: And having passed throughout Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia. (Gathering place of every trade)
25: And having spoken the word in Perga (= earthly),
they went down into Attalia (a town on the coast of Pamphylia):
26: And from that place sailed away to Antioch, from which place they had been committed (see John 19:30) to the grace of God (see v.15) for the work which they fulfilled. (Paul's conversion and testing his faith. Taught the Word to a confused world)
27: And having come, and having gathered the church together, they recited whatsoever God did with them (not man. Without God you are nothing), and how He had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles.
28: And there they abode no little time with the disciples. (about 2 1/2 years.)