F A 1,2. Herod. Persecution. B 3-19-. Imprisonment and Release. B -19-23. Herod. Judgment and Death.
44 A.D.
This chapter is a parenthesis, describing events in 44 A.D. Gives you a prophetic outlook of the end generation, the generation of the fig tree, the generation we live in. Pay attention!
Acts 12)
1: Now about that season Herod the king (Herod Agrippa I. Type of Anti-Christ. He was an Idumean - Esau) put to his hands (cp. Luke 9:62, same phrase) to maltreat (Gr. kakoõ, see 7:6) certain of those from the church.
2: And he killed James (equivalent of Jacob. Cp. Gen. 27) the brother of John (the last historical reference to John) with the sword (death by the sword was regarded by the Rabbis as particularly disgraceful).
B C q 3. Herod's base policy. r 4-. Peter guarded. D s -4. Intention. t 5-. Prison. u -5. Prayer. v 6-10-. Deliverance effected. w -10. Angel's Departure. D s 11. Frustration. t 12-. House. u -12. Prayer. v 13-17-. Deliverance recounted. w -17. Peter's Departure. C r 18. Peter missed. q 19-. Herod's Vengeance.
3: And seeing it is pleasing to the Jews (people of Judea, i.e. Kenites. Not our brother Judah), he added (a Hebraism. Cp. Luke 20:11) to take (see 1:16) Peter also. {Then were the days of unleavened bread (= Passover. See v.4. Lit. the unleavened [things]. Leaven in every form was to be put away. Ex.12:15,19).}
4: And when he had arrested him (Gr. piazõ. See John 11:57), he put him into ward (Gr. phulakê), and delivered him to four quaternions (= 16. Quarternions = Gr. tetradion, a body of four. There were 4 soldiers to guard Peter for each of the four watches. The prisoner was chained to two and the other two kept watch. See v.6) of soldiers to keep him;
intending after the Passover (Gr. pascha. NOT "EASTER". "Easter" is not in any of the Greek manuscripts. "Easter" is a heathen deity. It is inexcusable to allow this to continue, i.e commemoration of orgies and rolling of fertility eggs & rabbits = fertility, quick as a bunny. "Easter" is a heathen term, derived from the Saxon goddess Eastre, the same as Astarte, the Syrian Venus, called Ashtoreth in the Old Testament) to bring him forth (= lead up, i.e. to the judgment seat) to the people.
5: Peter then indeed was kept in prison:
but prayer was made intense (Gr. ektenês) by the church to God (Gr. Theos. Elohim is used of God as Creator towards His creatures, and Yehovah [the Lord] in His covenant relationship) in behalf of him.
6: And when Herod was about to bring him forth, that night Peter was sleeping (Gr. koimaomai = to fall asleep unintentionally, involuntary) between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the guards before the door were keeping the ward (Cp. this with the captivity of Moses & Enoch and see if you can draw any parallels).
7: And, behold, the Angel of Lord stood over him, and a light (Gr. phõs = light underived and absolute. Used therefore specially of God) shined in the dwelling (that was Peter's dwelling-place. The Angel of the Lord there): and He smote Peter's side (Peter transfigured for one moment), and raised him up, saying, “Arise up with speed.” And his chains fell off from his hands.
8: And the Angel said to him, “Gird yourself” (Gr. perizõnnumi. Cp. Luke 12:35,37; 17:8. Eph.6:14. Rev.1:13; 15:6), and bind on your sandals.” And so he did. And He says to him, “Cast your garment about you (Gr. himation. Put on your coat, i.e. your Gospel Armour), and follow Me.”
9: And he went out, and followed Him (the text omit); and knew not that it was true which was done through the Angel; but was thinking he saw a vision. (This was miraculous)
10: Now having past through the first and the second ward, they came upon the iron gate that leads to the city; which was opened to them automatically: and they went out, and passed on through one street; (So when you get in trouble like Peter was, and finding himself a block or two away from were he originally was held, do you think he or you are alone !? NOT!!! Cp. Matt.18:10)
and immediately the Angel departed from him.
11: And Peter, having come to be in himself (i.e. in his right senses. Cp. "out of his senses", or "besides himself"), he said, “Now I know truly (it was real - not a dream), that sent His Angel, and delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the eager looking of the people of the Jews.” (i.e. of Judea, not our brother Judah. See v.3. Cp. Jer. 24)
12: And when having considered (or realized) the thing, he came to the house of Mary the mother of John (see 13:5;13; 15:37,39. Col.4:10. 2 Tim.4:11), whose surname was Mark;
where many were gathered together and praying.
13: And Peter, having knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to answer, by name Rhoda (Gr. Rhodê, rose).
14: And having recognized Peter's voice, she opened not the gate from gladness, but ran in, and reported how Peter stood before the gate. (She was overjoyed, she didn't let Peter in!)
15: And they said to her, “You are mad.” But she kept strongly affirming that it was even so. Then said they, “It is his angel.” (i.e. guardian angel, according to Jewish belief) (How would you like this group praying for you!? Where is there faith!?)
16: But Peter continued knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astounded. (Human nature, questioning that God answers prayer)
17: But he, beckoning to them with the hand to hold their peace (Lit. shaking down. The action suggested he ws in haste and must not be interrupted), declared to them how the Lord brought him out of the ward. And he said, “Go show these things to James (the Lord's brother. See Gal.1:19), and to the brethren.
And he departed, and went into another place.
18: Now day having come, there was no small disturbance among the soldiers, what was become of Peter (Lit. what then had Peter come to be).
19: And when Herod had sought him up and down, and found him not, he examined the keepers, and commanded that they should be led away (i.e. to execution. God has a way with dealing with those that touch His anointed).
And he went down from Judaea to Caesarea, and there abode.
20: And Herod was highly displeased with them of Tyre (= a rock, i.e. false rock. Satin's main place) and Sidon: but they were present with one accord to him (see 1:14), and, having made Blastus (= spout. He was a Kenite) one who was over the bedchamber of the king their friend (= persuaded, or won over. These were really blood-suckers), were asking for peace; because their country was nourished (cp. 1 Kings 5:9,11. Ezek.27:17) by the royal country.
21: And upon a appointed day Herod (he was his own little Caesar), arrayed in royal apparel (Josephus [Ant.XIX. viii. 2] says it was of silver tissue, and glittered resplendently in the sun), sat upon the throne, and made an oration to them (i.e. a political oration. Type of Anti-Christ to its fullest!)
22: And the people gave a shout, saying, "It is the voice of a god, and not of a man."
23: And immediately the Angel of the Lord smote him, the reason for which he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms (rotten from within. Cp. Isa.14:11), and gave up the ghost (= expired. Don't ever get in the way of the Word of God)