We are going talk about the three world ages. There's no way that a Christian or anyone else can understand the Word of God unless they are aware of the foundation. You can never build upon anything without a good and solid foundation and it has a great deal to do with creation.
At this time in our nation and in the world, we have a great controversy over, “Well was it evolution or was it creation?” And the thoughts of many people no doubt is due to the influence of the Kenites upon our public school systems as well as their influence on other things, and that influence is that we must teach evolution which anyone in the scientific community knows is a lie; that is, if they are a true scientist. Every species on record, and I'm giving you a cold hard fact, whether you find them in a dig which dates to recent times or ancient times, the species are the same as they were. They haven't advanced one iota. Small marine life from the ice age are exactly like the small marine life of this day. You can still find them, no changes. You see, for Evolution to be valid, it must be an unending process or it's just a lie. In other words you would have to be able to look out of your window today and see species in every stage of evolution. It would have to be an on going process. Well that's obvious. But you don't see that. Why? Because it is a lie. It’s all a big lie. And as I said, those in the scientific community that have any knowledge, they know what I’m saying is true. But a lot of people in the scientific community [look for ways to explain away God’s creation]. So they like to dream in boom-boom land or something and have lost touch with reality. What I'm stating is cold hard facts that nothing has changed and no one can prove otherwise. So isn't it time that we put that theory to bed? Yet we're forced to teach it to our children! We should just quite simply tell them that there are certain bureaucrats that like to teach lies because they lean so far left that they're confused, and then give them the truth!
What we are about to study is the TRUTH, the foundation of this world and that our Father created it. He spoke and nothing became everything. You know our Father does all things in a natural sense and when you look aside from His nature then you lose contact from our Father. If we were to say, as most ministers teach, that the world age that we are presently in was created about 6 000 years ago, then we are teaching contrary to God's Word. God's Word states that the age of this earth is eons. This is why the Shepherd’s Chapel did the documentary on the dinosaur tracks and teach that millions of years ago they were placed there. I mean it's obvious, it is a fact, and you have some bible-thumpers that state, “The Word of God states that this earth is 6000 years old.” It does not state that! I challenge anyone to document where God's Word states that this earth is 6000 years old. They won’t be able to because it doesn't. In fact, it states quite to the contrary. It says that there was even an age before this earth age. The same earth, the same heaven, yet there were different ages. Many things happened in that age before this one, and they are all written in our Fathers Word.
I want to start this lecture, if I may, in Psalms chapter 104 where we are in the beginning. Let's go with it. Psalms 104, verse 1… and rest easy with this subject. As we go along, it will solidify for you.
Psalms 104:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.
He is honest, but in His majestic sense, He can do what ever He so chooses.
Psalms 104:2 Who coverest [thyself] with light as [with] a garment:
He is the light.
who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:
He created the heavens.
104:3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot:
Yes, those chariots spoken of in Ezekiel chapter 1 on which His very throne was transported. A very natural sense when you understand the nature of things and those vehicles. You might say, "Well we today couldn't create such a vehicle.” No. But they were in the world that was and they are in heaven even at this time. It was in those same vehicles, no doubt, that the fallen angels came in Genesis chapter 6 . There's no doubt about it. There are traces on this earth; facts and documents. Even in Central America there are landing fields and directions given and recorded by the ancients as to their being. Alright. His clouds His chariot.
Nasca Lines in Peru (Image 1)
Nasca Lines in Peru (Image 2)
Nasca Lines in Peru (Image 3)
who walketh upon the wings of the wind:
Do you understand what that means? Who can walk in the spirit, which is the wind, ruach? We in this flesh do not see that dimension necessarily unless God so chooses. Verse 4:
Psalms 104:4 Who maketh his angels
That is to say His messengers, those that convey messages.
He makes them as the wind. The ruach.
his ministers a flaming fire:
Now, I have a work entitled Ministers of fire and within them you understand why God chose some before the foundation of this earth age, which was approximately 6000 years ago, but only the foundation of this age. That's why it is written in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4, “I chose you before the foundation of this earth, this age.” How could He do that? Because we were His children even then. Where does your soul come from? Well it comes from God. That's exactly what I mean. Some might ask, “You mean, I lived before?” Well, you just answered it yourself. You came from God. You were with Him. And we will discover the great overthrow at the foundation of this earth age and what caused it. Then you will begin to understand your Father's Word in more depth and with more clarity. You will also better understand the ministers of fire who are God's elect and the kings and queens of this earth age. You will learn that they earned the right to be called elect. Verse 5:
Psalms 104:5 [Who] laid the foundations of the earth,
This goes back millions of years ago.
[that] it should not be removed for ever.
The ages will change, the cosmos will change, but never the terra firma (solid earth) never the ‘erets (earth). It shall, that is to say the soil, shall stay the same, that is to say, the earth in its proper orbit. You know we've done enough vehicular space travel as human beings that we're beginning to look around and by observing the other planets we recognize that ours is a very special planet indeed. God placed it here in its proper orbit; He hung it here causing the climate, yes, even the perfect climate before the overthrow when the earth was shielded with the firmament, that special solution. He left a bit of the firmament and we call it the ozone, which has dissipated because of pollution, but the firmament that was there originally would even stop aging. Verse 6:
Psalms 104:6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as [with] a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.
What it's saying here is that God created the earth and the earth stood out of the water as it is written in Genesis. [That water being that protective firmament overhead, above even the mountains.] But because of what we know the Hebrew states [that something happened causing it to become empty and void], tôhû va bôhû [in the Hebew] You'll learn that term before we finish this lecture and the next, the one that will follow. It means the earth became void and without form. Not that it was created void and without form. Why did it become void and without form? Because of Satan's first rebellion. Within the Greek you have a verb katabole in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4. You'll find it again in that great seed chapter which is Matthew chapter 13 when Christ said there were mysteries that were hidden before the katabole which was that overthrow of Satan and the world [before the foundations of this world age].
Katabolē – καταβολή – G2602
1) a throwing or laying down
a) the injection or depositing of the virile semen in the womb
b) of the seed of plants and animals
2) a founding (laying down a foundation)
from G2598 – kataballō – καταβάλλω
1) to cast down
a) to throw to the ground, prostrate
2) to put in a lower place
a) to lay (down) a foundation
I'm going to teach you of that overthrow. Oh, It's documented and you'll find it, so let it flow for the moment. I will document everything I say from our Father's Word so that you may know and understand the creation and why we're even in this earth age and why God destroyed the age that was. That is recorded in Revelation chapter 12 within the very opening verses. It covers a long period of time. It goes back to the world that was and speaks of the old dragon with his same political structure that he will use in very near future. He deceived one third of God's children called the stars, which are the souls that were there, those same souls that He sent to be born of women, innocent, giving us a chance to chose.
Revelation 12:4-9 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
Will you follow that one that led astray the world that was or will you follow Christ? Will you love your Father? For it was for that reason that I, in my own opinion, believe that God destroyed that earth age whereby He would not have to destroy His children. You know, it takes quite a bit to destroy one of your children. He did sentence Satan to death, but here, in this earth age, God gives everyone a fair and fresh start. We are born innocent with all memory erased of the world that was. Ah, I think occasionally that one of God's elect, for a fleeting moment, sees a place, a thing, a condition that the mind itself strains in an effort to recognize or to recall. It’s that strange feeling of; I've been here before. This has happened before, and it comes over them. I think it goes far deeper than most might think. But for that reason, it is God's will that all would come to repentance and believe upon Him whereby He does not destroy them in that great lake of fire during that time before we go into that third earth age which is eternal. In the Eternity, there will be nothing there that offends. Let's continue on verse 7:
Psalms 104:7 At thy rebuke they fled;
Those waters fled instantly. Not the year that it took as recorded in Genesis, for Noah's little old flood to depart, but this at this flood and at God’s command, instantly the waters fled.
at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away.
Instantly covering. You know, anyone that walks through the country can see areas of earth that cut away. Also, when you're driving down a highway and you see layer after layer. Even here in the state of Arkansas you've all heard me describe before where our native stones are limestone, sandstone, or flint. And you find seashells that have been dropped through this area from the ice age that are in the layers. Yes, seashells. Not our country rock or common rock. Why? How did that happen? You know why when you understand God's plan and understand the katabole, which is the overthrow. No, not Noah's flood for those waters slowly receded. But after the katabole, as God spoke the spirit moved upon the waters and they fled away and there was dry land as is documented in Genesis chapter 1, after the katabole. Verse 8:
Psalms 104:8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them.
In other words, many believe that before the overthrow (the katabole) that the earth was all one solid mass and as this particular age was formed the land mass split and the Americas drifted away from what is now called Africa. And the continental shapes definitely align to that.
But be that as it may, another subject for another time. But it did move and He placed the boundaries. Verse 9:
Psalms 104:9 Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over;
The coast of this great nation.
that they turn not again to cover the earth.
He has promised that He will never destroy the earth again by water, covering it fully. That promise and rededication was made certainly at the time of Noah's flood.
We're going to go to the New Testament where Peter spoke of these things. If they seem foreign to you, you simply haven't studied God's Word. 2 Peter, chapter 3, we go there at this time to carry though on this thought where Peter has one chapter dedicated to the three world ages. Did you know that? Well then listen to it as we study our Father's Word. Chapter 3 and verse 1, 2nd Peter:
2 Pet 3:1 This second epistle, beloved,
And the 1st was written to the elect and he is writing this 2nd letter to the same people, documenting and identifying whom it is addressed to whereby you better understand.
I now write unto you; in [both] which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
I want your memory to be shaken back even to that world that was, if it be possible, and that you know and understand that God is in control and that time as we count it means nothing with Him, and that that time would come. He’s saying I want to stir your minds and cause you to remember. Verse 2:
2 Pet 3:2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets,
I want you to be aware of those words spoken by the prophets of the Old Testament.
and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
That is to say the commandments of the Gospels and of the New Testament, especially the prophets of old and the Psalm that we just finished. Psalms 104 was a prophesy by David and David was a prophet as is declared in Acts chapter 2. You may have never have considered him so but he was and so were the apostles, especially Paul who was the writer of a large portion of the New Testament. He spoke of this mystery over-and-over and yet most people do not know. Why? Well we'll find out here in a moment. 3:
2 Pet 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
These are mockers. Verse 4:
2 Pet 3:4 And saying,
This is what those mockers and scoffers will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? Where is your 2nd advent?”
for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation.
The scoffers continue, “Nothing has ever changed. Everything is the same. There is no God perhaps and certainly He is not coming.” Have you ever heard that? It will especially wax worse and worse in these end times. Verse 5:
2 Pet 3:5 For this they willingly
What's that word? For this they willingly, they request it, they desire.
willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out
Underline it in your mind, OUT
of the water and in the water:
In other words, there was an age before this and people are willingly ignorant of that because they don't want to be accountable for knowledge. They don't want to understand the plan of God. Most churches today cop out and say, "All you have to do is believe." Believe what friend? Believe in the antichrist ? That's what they are leading you to if they teach a rapture theory. Leading you straight to worshiping antichrist. The first messiah that comes is a fake. He's the false messiah. And they don’t teach that the earth was of old. In other words, that there was an age before this one which was standing out of the water. And this is not after the earth became void as you read in Genesis chapter 1. There was nothing standing out of the water. God ordered the waters to hasten away after He destroyed that earth age and it then it became habitable again. I can hear them now, “Well isn't He talking about Noah's flood?” No way friend, no way! God totally and completely destroyed every being in the katabole. I'll document that in the next lecture. Verse 6:
2 Pet 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished (G622):
Do yourself a favor and check this word “perish” out in the Greek and find out that it also means void and without form, in a sense, in that it means nothingness.
ἀποìλλυμι – apollumi - ap-ol'-loo-mee
From G575 and the base of G3639; to destroy fully (reflexively to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: - destroy, die, lose, mar, perish.
Do you know what perished means? Everything of that age perished. To the contrary, with Noah's flood many people lived through it. I myself do not believe that the flood was world wide, but that it simply covered the entire places of the earth where the Nephilim had impregnated the daughters of Adam and as a result were trying to prevent the birth of Christ. This was an attack by satan's documented in Genesis chapter 6.
Gen 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.
It is written and anyone can read of it; those that do not wish to be willingly ignorant, that God destroyed those hybrids whereby the seed line through Noah would be perfect and the Christ child could come to this earth born of woman. That world age and the heaven age that was before the katabole, before the flesh age, perished. That means that it was no more and that there would be a new age, the flesh. Verse 7:
2 Pet 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now,
[Now, that means in Peter’s time, your time, the flesh age] Do you think Noah's flood destroyed the heaven that was [the first age]? No! That's what it's saying here. The heaven from before was destroyed. Naturally, Noah's flood did not destroy the heaven which is now, but the katabole did. It was the heaven age that was destroyed right along side the earth age that was. It's still the same heaven. It's still the same earth. Now we come to the second.
But the heavens and the earth, which are now
That is to say, the second earth age and the second heavenly age.
that by the same word
What word? God's Word
are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
What does this word perdition mean? The word perished is the same thing. It is those that shall perish, that God shall destroy. Even now they are held in reserve, even the fallen angels that are held with Michael that shall be cast [out to this earth], they shall die. [Those] 7000, [fallen ones] when the 2 witnesses rise from the streets of Jerusalem. [The first age was destroyed at God’s anger by water, the Nephilim were destroyed by water, but judgment of all flesh at the end is by fire, for God is a consuming fire]. It IS written. Now really think for me, sharpen up. Verse 8:
3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant
Please do not be ignorant.
of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Now, how many days was it that God was creating the earth? 7 Days. 6 days rather for He created 6 days and He rested the 7th. We are almost at the end of the 6000-year period. [Meaning that flesh man’s history dates back 6000 years, generation-to-generation from the time of Adam. Man has toiled and labored under the sun for 6000 years, or 6 of the Lord’s days.] That's true, in this earth age. Then what comes? The 7th day, which is what? The day of rest. Which is what? It is the millennium. Don't be ignorant to that fact. [God’s day of rest will be that 7th day, a day of rest from evil and satan as he is bound in the pit for a 1000 years.]
[To show that the earth is older than the short 6000 years flesh man has been here, we need to open our eyes to what we can see.] Many wonder about dinosaur bones and mammoth bones from the world that we find in places like Alaska; a mammoth tooth even in this studio. I've showed it to you before and shared it with you; a great bone that was found by people I am personally familiar with. But in Alaska, there were bones found with meat that still on them, they were cooked, taken off of the bone, and they were preserved so well that they fed the meat to the dogs and they ate it. And the mammoths were found with buttercups still in their mouths, they were preserved that well under that frozen tundra. What happened in that one quick instant that froze everything instantly? And it all dates back about 14000 years ago, almost 13,000 to 14,000.
Even that in and of itself shows that great change of weather that would instantly freeze and preserve these mammoths; and there they are today. What are you going to say about them if you say the earth is only 6000 years old? It's no wonder that we lose all trials because the courts will not let one with intelligence witness. First off, they do not recognize the Word of God as fact and therefore you can't use it. But even with documentation that is present now that this chapel works to produce one each month, that preserves truth, and puts together documentaries, whereby when the next case comes along that we will be able to use those facts in a Christian way, to document and fight the theory of evolution which is a lie. God's Word is really quite simple. It is man that tries to make it difficult. Verse 9:
2 Pet 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise,
If God promises you something, He's not slack about it. You can count on it.
as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward,
He suffers long with us. That means He's patient.
not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
This day that we were speaking of regarding perishing and perdition; it isn't God's will that anybody perish. It wasn't God's will that even satan would perish, but satan chose it because of his actions, and I’m sure much to His grief, our Father had to sentence that one to death. Some might say, “Well, does that mean if it is God's will all will be saved, he should have saved him?” No, it is written also that many will fail. But God would like for them to be saved. After all, they are His children, but they will not all make it. It is another way of saying that He wishes that they would turn to Him and be saved all on their own. Now many will say right here that "God's all powerful so why can't He do that?" And you've heard me explain it many times before, but I feel that this is the time to do it again. There is one thing that God will not do and I might even add further, cannot do. He cannot create souls for His pleasure and His company and then force them to love Him and have it be true love. You cannot force true love, even love from your own mate. Love generates from within each entity and only the entity. Only she or he has the ability to create that love. It's a very natural thing. So, if God were to force someone to love Him it would be fake love. And friend, He doesn't want your fake love for that is no love at all. You don't con Him for a minute. Therefore it is His wish that all love Him. If you love Satan and his ways and the ways of man then you’ll go to hell. Those that choose this path go to the pit and they will perish. But it's not His choice it is yours. Verse 10:
2 Pet 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;
It means it will surprise as a thief always does.
in the which the heavens shall pass away
The heaven age that was and the heaven age that is now. That is why “heavens” is plural.
with a great noise, and the elements
Translate the word elements as rudiments, and translate the word evil rudiments.
It means “rudiments”, which means only the evil part will be destroyed. Only the good part is left behind.
στοιχεῖον – stoicheion - stoy-khi'-on
Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G4748; something orderly in arrangement, that is, (by implication) a serial (basal, fundamental, initial) constituent (literally), proposition (figuratively): - element, principle, rudiment.
shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Many say,“That's the atomic holocaust” and they know not of what they speak. There's going to be nothing left in an atomic holocaust, so it is everything but an atomic holocaust. Our Father is the consuming fire.
Hebrews 12:29 For our God [is] a consuming fire.
He does not say that the earth itself will be destroyed. He says the rudiments, the evilness, and the wickedness will all be burned away [even flesh] and there will be nothing but righteousness left; though our righteousness are as filthy rags.
Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
It is the evil things that shall melt away. That's why it is written that on the first day of the millennium that every knee shall bow. Verse 11:
2 Pet 3:11 [Seeing] then [that] all these things shall be dissolved,
That's the evilness, the wickedness.
what manner [of persons] ought ye to be in [all] holy conversation and godliness,
What should you be prepared for? You should be mentally prepared for it. That's what you should be thinking about. That's where you need to be putting your conversations, is preparing yourself mentally by understanding the word that is spoken that brings these things to pass and to see that you please your Father. And as it is His will, that you love Him and come to repentance and are saved and that you accomplish it. But you've got to do it on your own. You can't listen to the traditions of men for they don't teach in that depth. It isn't popular. Verse 12:
2 Pet 3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements
Again, what are they? The rudiments, the evil rudiments.
shall melt with fervent heat?
Why? The last verse of Hebrews chapter 12
For our God [is] a consuming fire.
God is a consuming fire. His Shekinah Glory and His love warms your heart if you are his. It's called the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. But to the wickedness, it will burn them at that time. God loves you, He doesn't want to hurt you. Verse 13:
2 Pet 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Now a lot of people say, “We are going to a different place. This one will be destroyed.” And they don't understand that this earth will be rejuvenated. It's a new earth age and a new heaven age; it's the third age. The third as Peter so adequately brings forth. See that you understand the end and the changing of the ages. [As this earth was shifted 90 miles off from true north, that shift back into that perfect dimension will take place. A new age for heaven and earth where everything will be right from that point on into the eternity.]
We're going to run over it, with teaching a little bit. I want to finish this chapter. 14:
2 Peter 3:14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
Dear one our spot is not the spot of the Kenite. Our spot that makes us spotless is our wanting to please God, to love Him, to come into repentance, to teach His Word, and to stand for Him not the rudiments. We want to come out of the rudiments. Many teach rudiments in the name of Christ, coming in His name when they are not with Him, and they know not what they speak of. Know you Father's Word. Mentally prepare yourself by understanding the Word for yourself. Verse15:
3:15 And account [that] the longsuffering of our Lord [is] salvation;
Because He is willing to be patient and wait for each entity to have an opportunity to show that they love His ways or satan’s ways.
even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
Here Peter gives credentials to Paul. Many would like to strip Paul of his credentials. Even that great fisherman gives Paul credentials by the wisdom by which Paul taught. You see, Paul taught on three levels and most people can't handle that nor do they comprehend it. They may comprehend one level but not the mystery that Paul spoke of and taught on these 3 levels of the three world ages. 16:
2 Pet 3:16 As also in all [his] epistles,
Whose epistles? Paul’s… most of the New Testament.
speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest,
They can't understand it. They don't know the books of the Bible much less where they are located. The thing that is most valuable to them is what they are most ignorant about. It's a shame. A love letter, written from our Father to each of His children, and most have not read it with understanding.
as [they do] also the other scriptures,
They can't handle them.
unto their own destruction.
It will destroy you if you don't begin to prepare yourself mentally for that which is about to come. It's that simple. It’s your choice. That's what this earth age is all about. You make your own bed and you're going to sleep right in her friend. 17:
2 Pet 3:17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before,
You knew about them before, we talked about them before.
beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked,
The rudiments.
fall from your own stedfastness.
See that you don't lose. It's real easy to be deceived by the false messiah at the very end of this earth age. Verse 18:
2 Pet 3:18 But grow in grace,
What is grace? Grace is that wonderful gift that God gives us that you don't deserve which is unmerited favor of God. You receive it when you try. That's why your mind opens and you begin to remember better and when you pray to Him and ask Him to give you knowledge and understanding. It's because of His grace.
and [in] the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him [be] glory both now and for ever. Amen.
This earth in it's rejuvenated form. Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be they name. Thy kingdom. Thy will be done on EARTH as it is in heaven. There will always be that heaven and there will always be this earth. God's throne is in heaven. It's coming to this earth. That's why the description and the shape of heaven is described as that new city that is 1500 miles into space, a cube in other words, because it is coming to this earth. This earth shall always be inhabited. The description given in Revelation chapter 21 states in the Greek not that this earth is new, but RENEWED. A better English word would be rejuvenated, made fit to live upon. It shall be done, and it shall come to pass. Where will you be dear one? Forever in eternity for simply trying? That's all you have to do, is to commit to the best of your ability willingly try to know and understand and learn your Father's letter. You need to understand those things that have been whereby you understand that our Father is just. He doesn't burn people for no reason. He doesn't hurt people for no reason. All things that He does are just and fair and righteous. It's like in the last lecture we noted that we had a letter or call from a person that wanted to know why 70,000 people had to also pay for David's sin. Well, no, they didn't pay for David's sin, they paid for their own sins because they had committed a similar sin worthy of death and God killed them. He took them from this earth age. For what reason? For hate? No. He did it for chastisement whereby others would see and fear and begin to follow the commandments of the living God. God is totally and completely fair. If you ever understand something in a position and or alike, that it may appear that God is not fair, you are in error. Read longer, study harder, look deeper and you will always see our Father is of love as He smiles down upon you, willing that you come to repentance. Can you repent? All you have to do is say Father help me. I repent and I want You. I don't want death. Do it, do it today. Won't you do that? Ok God bless you.