(1)<----- Epistolary. Introduction. Thanksgiving. Foreshadowing The Subject of The Epistle. Exhortation to Sobriety, Comparison - Obedient Children, Reason - God's People, and are Redeemed by the Blood of Christ (The Lamb), Result
(2) Exhortation Against Malice. Comparison - New Born Babes, Reason - God's People, and built as "living stones" on Christ (The Stone), Result. Submission. To Rulers - Reason. Servants to Masters - Reason. The Example of Christ.
(3) Submission. Wives to Husbands - Reason. Husband to be Considerate to Their Wives - Reason. Suffering According to The Will of God - Christ's sufferings as to the Flesh. Christ's Triumph - Resurrection, Preached to the Spirit's in Prison, Insubjection of spirit's in Noah's Day, Noah saved Then - We saved Now. His going to Heaven - Subjection of Angels
(4) Christ's Sufferings as to the Flesh. The Saint's sufferings as to the Flesh. The Saint's New Life. Exhortation in View of The End - Well Doing to Glorify God in All Things in Suffering & Well doing to Commit Themselves to God. The Beginning of Judgment
(5) Exhortation as to Suffering & Glory. Conclusion. Prayer - Embodying the Object of The Epistle. Epistolary